Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2089

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INDEX. ... III Agricultural Adjustment Act, Amend- Page. ments--Continued. Sugar beets and sugarcane, duration of tax____________________________ 768 Amendments affecting exemptions and compensating taxes_ _ _ _____ __ __ _ 768 Refund of tax on products for chari- table distribution _ ___ __ ___ ____ 768 Taxes causing disadvantages in com- petition _______ __ _____ _ __ _____ 768 Equalizing tax im.posed on imports_ _ 7615 Floor stocks, tax adjustments; time for filing claims for refunds_ ___ ___ 769 Exportations; refunds on goods_ __ _ ___ 770 Collection of taxes; postponements; filing returns_ __ __ __ __ ____ __ _____ 770 Prohibitions; claims of enited States in bankruptcy, etc_, proceedings_ _ 770 Taxes, benefit payments, legalization of; refunds; court jurisdiction; access to records; time for filing; recovery of erroneously collected_ 771 -7i3 Imports; investigations; restrictions_ 7i3,774 Annual appropriation; expenditure; limitations ___________________ 774,775 Cotton opti0n contrart!'l, authority to make; validity of prior; pUblication of information _________________ _ Availability of appropriation!'l _____ _ "Obli!!:ation" cOI1!'1trued _________ _ Diseased dairy and beef cattle, elimina- tion of; sum authorized, etc _____ _ Agreements and remedies not invali- dated; adjustments in sereage or production ____________________ _ Bal!khead Cotton Ad, amendments to_ Pcriod of applieability of Aet; cotton f,!:inning tax __________________ _ Ascertainment of sentiment of pro- ducers ______________________ _ Allotments; validation of maximum 77.5 775 li5 775 776 776 776 ... -- III amount of eotton to be marketed 777 Appropriations for administrath'e ex - pcn!'les_______________________ 777 Exemption certificates, tran~fcr or assignmenL _______ ___ ________ 778 Cotton retained ;01' hou!'lehold use; exemption _ _ _ _ ___ __ __________ 778 Kerr Tobaceo Aet, amendments to_ ___ 77S Definitions, "Puerto Riean tobseco", "cigar-wrapper tobaceo" _______ 778 Declared policy ____ ___ ____________ 778 Imposition of tax, excmption; dura- tion __ ____ __________ ____ ___ 778, 779 Tax payment warrants, issue; re- strictions, etc_________________ 779 Returns, tobac('o produced or sold; penalty on refusal to file_ _ _____ 780 Administrative agents; powers______ 7RO Agricultural Adjustment Act, Amend~ Page. ments-Continued. Kerr Tobacco Act, amendments to- Continued. Appropriation available for rental and benefit payments, etc.; rcfunds_ 780 Offer to beeornc contracting produeer_ 780 Land conservation and utilization, sum available; uses, powers of Presi- dent___________________________ 781 Hog-cholera serum and virus, supply of; agreements with manufacturers_ 781 Issuance of order; termination; pro- visions applieable to _________ 781. 7R2 Potatoes as basic agricultural commod- ity; term eOllstrued; base pcriod_ _ 782 Agrieultural commodities, sum available for administrative expeuses_ ______ 1118 Annual appropriations, payments to farmers in conneetion with nor- mal produetioIL________________ 1151 Appropriations alld authorizations extended ______ ____ ____ __ _____ __ 1151 Bankhead Cotton Act, repeal oL ___ . . __ 11 Ot) Appropriation for completillg records and operations under _________ 11 ti3 Section 24 excepted _____________ . . _ 11 Oti Tax liew; on Rtored cotton ('Rll - celcd _______ ___ _____ ____ _ 1101;' 11 :i:i Contraet~, adjustment by Se('retary of Agri('ult nrc, authorized __ ____ ____ Hl2:j Cotton ~inllers, payments to, fund~ available ______ ___ _____ ___ ______ 111 () Administrative expenses, detl'fmina- tion of additional costs _______ _ Time limit for filing applieation for com})(>nsa Hon ________________ _ Cotton proeessillg tax, payment of; time extension ________________ .. ____ _ I mport~; investigations; provisions ex- tended to Soil Com;ervation and Domestic Allotment Act ________ _ Kerr Tobacco Act, repeal of __ .. _______ _ Appropriation for c()mpletill~ records and operations under __________ _ Potato Aet of 1935. See Potato Act of 1935. Processing tax; adjustments ill taxes on stock s on hand ______________ _ Processing taxes, attachment of r. s. possessions to collection distrids for purpof'e of collecting ____ _ Ri('e; relltal or benefit payment,; pro- claimed _________________ .. ______ _ Definition!'; ___________ ____________ _ Designation of payee _____________ _ Imports, equalizing tax on; applica- tion to U. S . pos!';essions _____ . . __ Information, furnishing of _____ .. __ .. Marketing ycar __________________ _ 1352 281 1152 1106 1 Hi3 l-Hi-l 801 45 40 4. 48 48 411