Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2080

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74 TH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS. 867, 868 . JUNE 29, 1936 .

20 35 days from the date of enactment of this Act : Provided, That on and after the date of enactment of this Act, notice of denial of the claim under a contract of insurance by the Administrator of Veterans' Aff airs or someone acting in his name sh all be b y regis tered m ail directed to the claimant's last address of record : Provided further, That the term "denial of the claim" means the denial of the claim "Denial of the cla im" after consideration of its merits,

de fined . TITLE V-FLORIDA HURRICANE RELIEF FOR WORLD WAR VETERANS AND OTHER PERSONS SEC. 500. That the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to pro- vide compensation for employees of the United States suffering injuries while in the performance of their duties, and for other purposes", approved September 7, 1916, as amended (U . S . C ., 1934 ed ., title 5, ch . 15), are hereby made applicable to any veteran of the World War or other person attached to camps known as "Vet- erans' Camps Numbered 1, 3, and 5", who was injured, died, or shall die as the direct result of the hurricane at Windlys Island and Matecumbe Keys, Florida, September 2, 1935, and to their depend- ents, to the same extent and under the same conditions as are pro- vided for employees and the dependents of employees of the Federal Civil Works Administration in the Act entitled "An Act m aking an ad ditiona l appro priation to car ry out t he purp oses of the Fed - eral Emergen cy Relief Act of 1933 for the continuation o f the Civil Works program, and for other purposes", approved February 15, 1934 (U . S . C., 1934 ed ., title 5, sec . 796), and the special fund established in the Treasury of the United States for administrative expen ses and for th e paymen t of co mpensati on awar ded to e mployee s of the Civil Works Administration shall be available for the pay- ment of the benefits authorized by this section . TI TLE VI-EFFECTIV E DATE AND REPE AL SEC. 600 . The repeal of laws and veterans' regulations as pro- vided by this Act shall not affect any act done or right or liability accrued, but all such rights and liabilities under said laws or Vet- erans ' Regul ations shall co ntinue and may be enfo rced in the sam e manner as if said repeal had not been made, and all offenses com- mitted and all penalties incurred under such repealed laws or vet- erans' regul ations may be prosecut ed and punished in the same manner and with the same effect as if said repeal had not been made. SEC. 601 . Except where otherwise provided, this Act shall take effect from the date of its enactment . Approved, June 29, 1936 . [CHAP TER 868 .1 Provisos . Register ed notices . Tit le V-Florida Hurricane Rel ief for Word War Veterans and Other Persons . Employees' Com pe n- sa tion Act . Pro vi sio ns extended, Vol. 39, p. 742. U. S. C., p.98. Vol. 48, p.351. U. S. C., p. 103. Special fund for adƒ ministrative expenses, etc. ; availability . Ti tle VI-Effective Date and Repeal . Continuation and enforcement of rights and liabilities under repealed Acts, etc . P ros ecu tion offenses . Effective date . of AN ACT June 29, 1936. To waive any exclusive jurisdiction over pre mis es of resettlement or rural- [H. R . 12876 .1 rehabilitation projects ; to authorize payments to States, political subdivisions,

[Public, No.845.1 and local taxing units in lieu of taxes on such premises ; and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the acquisi- tion by the United States of any real property heretofore or hereafter acq uired f or any r esettle ment pro ject or any rur al-reha bilitat ion project for resettlement purposes heretofore or hereafter constructed with funds allotted or transferred to the Resettlement Administra- tion pursuant to the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935, or Resettlement or rural-rehabilitation projects . Waiver of exclusive juri sdiction o ver prop- erty acquired for . A nte, p. 115.