Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2037

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19 92 Title III -Ameri can Seame n . Minimum - manning sc ale s, minimum-wage scales and wo rking c on- ditions . Post, pp . 2001, 2008. Printed copy of scales, etc., to be posted by contractor . Proviso . I ncre ased expense added to o perat ing- differential subsidy . Co ntract require- ments . Separation of offi- cers' and crew's quar- ters . Co mplaints and recommendations by officers and crew . Naval Reserve Corps . Licensed officers, me mb ers of to we ar special insignia . De scription of; re- striction . No dis crim inat ion aga inst li cens ed offi cer s . Meals of officers . Licensed officers of documented vessels, citizenship require- ment . Subsidy-grant cargo vessels ; citizenship re- quirements of crew . 74TH C ONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 858. JUNE 29, 1936 . TITLE III-A MERICA N SEAM EN SEC . 301 . (a) . The Commission is authorized and directed to investigate the employment and wage conditions in ocean-going ship- ping and, after making such investigation and after appropriate hearings, to incorporate in the contracts authorized under titles VI and VII of this Act minimum-manning scales and minimum-wage scales and reasonable working conditions for all officers and crews employed on all types of vessels receiving an operating-differential subsidy . Af ter such minimum m anning a nd wage s cales an d work- ing conditions shall have been adopted by the Commission, no change shall be made therein by the Commission except upon formal complaint, public notice of the hearing to be had on such complaint, and a hearing by the Commission of all interested parties, under such rules as t he Co mmiss ion s hall presc ribe . Every contract or receiv- ing an operating-differential subsidy shall post and keep pos ted in a conspicuous place on each such vessel operated by such cont ractor a printed copy of the minimum manning and wage scales and work- ing conditions prescribed by his contract and applicable to such vessel : Provided, however, That any increase in the operating expenses of the subsidized vessel occasioned by any change in the wage, manning scales, and working conditions as provided in this section sha ll be adde d to the o perating-d ifferentia l subsidy previously authorized for the vessel . (b) Every contract executed under authority of titles VI and VII of this Act shall require- (1) Insofar as is practicable, officers' living quarters shall be kept separate and apart from those furnished for members of the crew ; (2) Licensed officers and unlicensed memb ers of the crew shall be entitled to make complaints or recommendations to the Com- mission, Coast Gua rd, or D epartment of Labo r, provid ing they file such complaint or recommendation with their immediate su pe- rior, who shall be required to forward such complaint or recom- mendation with his remarks to the Commission, Coast Guard, or Department of Labor ; (3) Licensed officers who are members of the Naval Reserve Corps shall wear on their uniforms such special distinguishing insignia as may be approved by the Secretary of the Navy ; officers' being those men serving under licenses issued by the Bureau of Navigation and Steamboat Inspection ; (4) The uniform stripes, decoration, or other insignia shall be of gold braid or woven gold or silver material, to be worn by officers, and no member of the ship's crew other than licensed offi- cers shall be allowed to wear any uniform with such officer's identifying insignia ; (5) No di scrim inati on sh all b e pra ctice d aga inst licen sed o ffi- cers, who are otherwise qualified, because of their failure to qualify as members of the Naval Reserve Corps ; and (6) Licensed officers shall take their meals in the main dining salon of the vessel and no other place during regular meal hours, except in cases of emergency . SEC . 302. (a) All licensed officers of vessels documented under the laws of the United States, as now required by law, shall be citi- zens of the United States native-born or completely naturalized ; and upon each departure from the United States of a cargo vessel in respect of which a construction or operating subsidy has been granted all of the crew (crew including all employees of the ship) shall be c itize ns of the Unite d Sta tes, nativ e-bor n or c omple tely naturalized.