Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1937

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74m CONGRESS . SESS. II . CFIS . 731-733 . JUNE 23, 1936 . June 23, 1936.

AN ACT [H. R. 9654.]

To authorize the purchase by the city of Scappoose, Oregon, of a certain tract of [Public, No . 767.] pub lic land rev ested in the Unit ed St ates under the Act of June 9, 1916 (39 Stat. 218) . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized to issue a patent to Location .

the city of Scappoose, Oregon, for the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter and the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 11, township 3 north, range 2 west, Willamette meridian, containing approximately eighty acres, subject to all valid existing rights at the time of the filing of the applica tion by the city of Proviso. Scappoose : Provided, That before patent issues the city of Scap- Paym ent . goose shall pay to the United States the appraised price for the timber on the said lands, the money so paid to be depo sited in the Oregon and California land-grant fund for distribution in the manner pro- vided by section 10 of the Act of June 9, 1916 (39 Stat . 218) . Se c . 2 . That the Secretary of the Int erior shal l prescrib e all nece s- sary regulations to carry into effect the foregoing provisions of this Act. Approved, June 23, 1936 . Scappoose, Oreg . Land patent to be issued to. Vol. 39, p. 222. Regulations to be pre scri bed . June 23, 1936 . [H . R. 10591 .1 [Public, No. 768.] Traff ic cond itions . Study, etc ., of, and measures for imp ro v- ing, author ized . Ante , pp. 272, 1447. Cooperation with States, etc . Proviso . Amount for printing. Preliminary and complete reports to Congress. June 23, 1936 . [H. R . 12033.] [Public, No. 769.] Los Angeles, Calif. Certain lands grant- ed to, for de signated purposes . [CHAPTER 731 .1 [CH APTE R 732 .] [CH APTE R 733 .] AN ACT To aut horize th e Secreta ry of Agr iculture t o investi gate and report on traffic conditions, with recommendations for corrective legislation . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Th at th e Sec retar y of Agriculture is hereby authorized and directe d to use during the fiscal years ending June 30, 1936, and June 30, 1937, such part as may be necessary of the administrative fund of the Bureau of Public Roads, but not to exceed a total of $75,000, for study and research of traffic conditions and measures for their improvement, and to coo perat e wit h Fed eral, Stat e, Di stric t of Colum bia, and m unici pal authorities, and other agencies, in connection with such study and research : Provided, That not to exceed $5,000 of the said sum may be used for printing necessary for the purposes of the work authorized and directed by this paragraph . SEC. 2. The Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized and directed to make a preliminary report to Congress within the next nine months of the results of the above study and research, and of the status of uniform motor-vehicle traffic laws throughout the country, and not later than June 30, 1937, to make a complete report with his recommendations, including suggestions for legislation, which will promote the necessary uniformity in such laws . Approved, June 23, 1936 . AN ACT Authorizing and directing the Secretary of the Interior to sell to the city of Los Angeles, California, certain public lands in California ; and granting rights-of- way over public la nds and reserve lands to the c ity of Los Ang ele s in Mon o County in the State of California . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby granted to the city of Los Angeles a municipal corporation of the State of California, all lands belonging to the United States