Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/193

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I . CH. 54. APRIL 9, 1935 . Madden Dam across the Chagres River at Alhajuela for the storage of water for use in the maintenance and operation of the Panama Canal, together with a hydroelectric plant, roadways, and such other work as in the judgment of the Governor of the Panama Canal may be necessary, to cost in the aggregate not to exceed $15, 500,000 ; in all, $6,900,000, together with all moneys arising from the conduct of business operations authorized by the Panama Canal Act . For sanitation, quarantine, hospitals, and medical aid and support Lepers and the of the insane and of lepers and aid and support of indigent persons insa ne . Deportation expens- legally within the Canal Zone, including expenses of their deporta- es' tion when practicable, and the purchase of artificial limbs or other appliances for persons who were injured in the service of the Isthmian Canal Commission or the Panama Canal prior to Sep- tember 7, 1916, and including additional compensation to any officer Chief Quarantine of the United States Public Health Service detailed with the Panama officer . Canal as chief quarantine officer, $874,616 . For civil government of the Panama Canal and Canal Zone, includ- ing gratuities and necessary clothing for indigent discharged pris oners, $1,02 2,981 . Total, Panama. Canal, $8,797,597, to be available until expended . In addition to the foregoing sums there is appropriated for the fiscal year 1936 for expenditures and reinvestment under the several heads of appropriation aforesaid, without being covered into the Treasury of the United States, all moneys received by the Panama Canal from services rendered or materials and supplies furnished to the United States, the Panama Railroad Company, the Canal Zone gov ernm ent, or to t heir emp loye es, resp ecti vely , or to the Pana ma Government, from hotel and hospital supplies and services ; from rentals, wharf age, and like service ; from labor, materials, and sup- plies and other services furnished to vessels other than those passing through the canal, and to others unable to obtain the same elsewhere ; from the sale of scrap and other byproducts of manufacturing and shop operations ; from the sale of obsolete and unserviceable mate- rials, supplies, and equipment purchased or acquired for the opera- tion, maintenance, protection, sanitation, and government of the Canal and Canal Zone ; and any net profits accruing from such busi- ness to the Panama Canal shall annually be covered into the Treasury of the United States . In addition there is appropriated for the operation, maintenance, and extension of waterworks, sewers, and pavements in the cities of Panama and Colon, during the fiscal year 1936, the nec ess ary po rti ons of such sums as shall be paid as water rentals or directly by the Government of Panama for such expenses . SEC. 2 . No part of any money appropriated by this Act shall be used for maintaining, driving, or operating any Government-owned motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle assigned for the exclusive use of persons other than the Secretary of War and medical officers on out-patient medical service . SEC. 3. No part of any appropriation made by this Act shall be used in any way to pay any expense in connection wit h the conduct, operation, or management of any post exchange, branch exchange, or subexchange within any State, Territory, or the District of Columbia, save and except for real assistance' and convenience to military personnel and civilians employed or serving at military posts and to retired enlisted naval personnel in supplying them with articles of ordinary use, wear, and consumption not furnished by the Governme nt . Approved, April 9, 1935 . Madden Dam. Vol.45,p. 363. Sanitation, etc. Civil government , ex- pens es . Avail abilit y . Credits allow ed . Water, sewers, pave- ments, etc . Panama and Colon . Use of Government- owned automobiles for private purposes pro- hibited . Limitation on use of fund s for po st ex- changes .