Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1927

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74i ' CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 726. J UNE 23, 1936 . FLO RE NCE CRITTENTON HOME Florence Crittenton For c are and ma intenance of women and childr en under a con- Hom e.

tract to be made with the Florence Crittenton Home by the Board of Public Welfare, maintenance, $9,0 00 . SOUTHERN RELIEF SOCIETY Southern Relief So- For care and maintenance of needy and infirm Confederate vet- for vete rans . Con- federate erans, their widows and dependents, residents in the District of Columbia, under a contract to be made with the Southern Relief Society by the Board of Public Welfare, $10,000 . NATIONAL LIBRARY FOR THE BLIND National Library for the Blind. Columbia Polytech- nic Institute . Deporting nonresi- dentinsane . Vol. 30, p . 811. Advances authorized to Director of Public Welfare. Limit . Burial of indigent, in Arlington Cemetery, etc . For aid and support of the National Library for the Blind, located at 1800 D Street Northwest, to be expended under the direction of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, $5,000 . COLUMBIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE To aid th e Columbia Polyte chnic Institute for the Blind, lo cated at 1808 H Street Northwest, to be expended under the direction of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, $3,000 . S aint Eliz abet hs Ho s-

SAINT ELIZABETHS HOSPITAL pital . Support of District For support of indigent insane of the District of Columbia in insane. Saint Elizabeths Hospital, as provided by law, $2,233,800 . NONRESIDENT INSANE For deportation of nonresident insane persons, in accordance with the Act of Congress "to change the proceedings for admission to the Gov ernment Hospital for the Insane i n certain cases, and for other purposes", approved January 31, 1899, including persons held in the psychopathic ward of the Gallinger Municipal Hospital, $12,000 . In expending the foregoing sum the disbursing officer of the District of Columbia is authorized to advance to the Director of Public Welfare, upon requisitions previously approved by the auditor of the District of Columbia, and upon such security as the Com- missioners may require of said d irector, sums of money not exceed- ing $300 at one time, to be used only for deportation of nonresident insane persons, and to be accounted for monthly on itemized vouchers t o the accou nting offi cer of the Distr ict of Colu mbia . REL IEF OF THE PO OR Relief of the poor. For relie f of the poor, in cluding medical and surgical supp lies, artificial limbs, and for pay of physicians to the poor, to be expended und er the direction of the Board of Public Welfare, $ 13,000 . Ex-service men.

BURIAL OF EX -SE RVI CE MEN For expenses of burying in the Arlington National Cemetery, or in the cemeteries of the District of Columbia, indigent Union ex- soldiers, ex-sailors, or ex-marines, of the United States service, either Regular or Volunteer, who have been honorably discharged or retired, and wh o died in the Dis trict of Columbia , to be disbursed by the Secretary of War at a cost not exceeding $45 for such burial expenses in each case, exclusive of cost of grave, $135.