Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1910

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 726. JU NE 23, 1936 .

1865 For the control and prevention of the spread of mosquitoes in the Mosquito control . District of Columbia, including personal services, operation, mainte- nance, and repair of motor-propelled vehicles, purchase of oil, and other necessa ry expenses, $12, 000 : Provided, That of the amount herein appropriated there may be transferred, in the interest of coordinating the work of mosquito control in the District of Colum- bia, not to exceed $4,100 to the Public Health Service of the Treasury Department, the amount so transferred to be available for the objects herein specified . Sewage treatment plant : For operation and maintenance, includ- ing salaries and wages of necessary employees, supplies, repairs to buildi ngs a nd eq uipmen t, pu rchas e of e lectr ic po wer, fuel, oil, waste , and other necessary expenses including not to exceed $950 for the purchase of one non-passenger-carrying motor vehicle, $190,403 . COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF REFUSE

City refuse . For personal services, $135,360 .

Perso nal servic es. For dust prevention, sweeping and cleaning streets, avenues, alle s Sweeping, cleaning, f snow and ice removal, and suburban stre ets, under the im mediate direction of the Commis- etc . sioner s, an d for clean ing s now a nd ice from stre ets, sidewa lks, cross - walks, and gutters in the discretion of the Commissioners, including services and purchase and maintenance of equipment, rent of storage rooms ; maintenance and repair of garages ; maintenance and repair of non-passenger-carrying motor-propelled vehicles necessary in cleaning streets and purchase of motor-propelled street-cleaning equipment ; and necessary incidental expenses, $400,000 : Provided, Pro viso . Use of other funds for That appropriations contained in this Act for highways, sewers, and snow removal . the water department shall be available for snow removal w hen specif icall y and in wr iting ', or dered by th e Com missi oners . To enable the Commissioners to carry out the provisions of existing mGarb be, etead ani- law governing the collection and disposal of garbage, dead animals, night soil, and miscellaneous refuse and ashes in the District of Columbia, including inspection ; fencing of public and private prop- erty designated by the Commissioners as public dumps ; and inciden- Provisos . tal expenses, $850,000 : Provided, That any proceeds received from Proceeds covered in; y p

division of. the disposal of city refuse or garbage shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the United States and the Dis- tric t of Columbia in the manner provid ed by law : P rovided furth er, t , Collection resiric- That this appropriation shall not be available for collecting ashes or miscellaneous refuse from hotels and places of business or from apart- ment houses of four or more apartments in which the landlord fur- nishes heat to te nants . Pr oviso . Tr ansf er to Pub lic Health Service . Sewage treatment plant . PUBLIC PLA YGR OU NDS

Public playgrounds . For personal services, $122,500 : Provided, That employments here- Personal s ervices . Proviso under, except directors who shall be employed for twelve months, Employm ents re- stricted . shall be distributed as to duration in accordance with corresponding

, p. 1340. empl oyments provided for in the Distri ct of Columbia Ap propriation Act for the fisca l year 1924 . For general maintenance, repairs, and improvements, equipment, Maintenance, etc . ing supplies, incidental and contingent expenses of playgrounds, inclu d- labor and maintenance, $40,800. For the maintenance and contingent expenses of keeping open dur- Publi c-sch ool p lay- grounds during sum- 11, the summer months the public-school playgrounds, under the mer . drection and supervision of the Commission ers ; for special and tem- por ary s ervice s, di recto rs, a ssista nts, and j anitor serv ice d uring the summer vacation, and, in the larger yards, daily after school hours during the school term, $29,700 .