Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1890

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74TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 725. JUNE 23, 1936 .

1845 No part of any money appropriated by this or any other Act Prices of standard shall be used during th e fiscal year 1937 for the pu rchase of any machines established. standard typewriting machines, except bookkeeping and billing machines, at a price in excess of the following for models with car- riages which will accommodate paper of the following widths, to wit Tell inches (correspondence models), $70 ; twelve inches, $75 ; four- teen inches, $77 .50 ; sixteen inches, $82 .50 ; eighteen inches, $87 .50 ; twenty inches, 594 ; twenty-two inches, $95 ; twen ty-four inches, $97 .50 ; twenty-six inches, $103 .50 ; twenty-eight inches, $104 ; thirty inches, $105 ; thirty-two inches, $107 .50 ; or, for standard typewriting machines distinctively quiet in operation, the maximum prices shall be as follows for models with carriages which will accommodate paper of the following widths, to wit : Ten inches, $80 ; twelve inches, $85 ;; fourteen inches, $90 >

eighteen inches, $95 : Pr o vi d ed , That Q Prmc uiet dsm- mac hines . standard typewriting machines distinctively quiet in operation pur- chased during s uch fiscal year by any such de partment, esta blish- ment, o r muni cipal g overnm ent sh all onl y be p urchas ed on the written order of the head thereof . With the approval of the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, ex Check clearance, etc, there may be tr ansferred sums (not exceeding a total of $45 0,000) to the appropri ations, "Salari es, Office of Treasurer of United States, 1937", "Contingent Expenses, Treasury Department, 193 7", "Printing and Binding, Treasury Department, 1937", and "Sta- tionery, Treasury Department, 1937",, from funds avail able fo r the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Home Owners' Loan Corporation, Farm Credit Administ ration, Tennessee Valley Authority, Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation, Reco nstr ucti on Fi nance Corpora tion, Federal Emerg ency R elief Administ ration, Farmers' Crop Production and Harvesting Loans, Federal Lan d Banks, and other banks and corporations under the supervision of the Farm Credit Administration, Railroad Retirement Board, Soil Conservation Service, including Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotmen t, Social Secur ity Board, Fed eral Housing Ad ministration, and Emergency Conservation Work, to cover the expenses incurred on account of such respective activities in clearing of checks, servic- ing of bonds, handling of collections, and rendering of accounts therefor : Provided, That funds transferred hereunder from the ETorts" vy conser ° appropriation for Emergency Conservation Work shall remain vation work funds available until June 30, 1937, any provision in the First Deficient transferred available ,



y until June 30, 1937 . Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1936, to the contrary notwithstand- Ante, p . 1601, ing : Provided further, That a statement of any transfers of appro- Statement in the priations made hereunder shall be included in the annual Bu dget . MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS, TREASURY DEPARTMENT AMERICAN PRINTING HOUSE FOR THE BLIND To enable the American Printing House for the Blind more ade- American Pr intin g House for the Blind, quately to provide books and apparatus for the education of the exp enses . blind in accordance with the provisions of the Act approved c»vn'; 44, s3 p.1060;U.S. February 8, 1927 (U . S . C ., title 20, sec . 101), $65,000 . SHORT TITTLE This title may be cited as the Treasury Department Appropriation Act, 1937 . Miscellaneous items . Citation of title.