Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1874

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74TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 725. JUNE 23, 1936 .

1 829 which interest payments on mortgages held by such bank have been reduced, in accordance with the provisions of section 24 of the Emergency Farm Mortgage Act of 1933, approved May 12, 1933 (48 Stat . 31), as amended by section 3 of the Farm Credit Act of 1935, approved June 3, 1935 (Public, Numbered 87), $24,000,000

Provided, That the unexpended balance o f the app ropriation of $36,000,000 made in the Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1935, approved August 12, 1 935 (49 Stat . 592), for the purposes of said section 24, shall be available for the purposes named herein until June 30, 1937 .

Subscriptions to Subscriptions to paid-in surplus of Federal land banks : To enable paid-in surplus . the Secretary of the Treasury to pay for subscriptions to the paid-in Irate, p. 1635 . surplus of Federal land banks under section 23 of the Emergency Farm Mortgage Act of 1933, appro ved May 12, 1933 (48 Stat . 31 ), $ 24,00 0,000 : Provided, That the unexpended balance of the appro- p riati on of $20, 000,0 00 made in t he S econ d De ficie ncy Appr opria tion Ac t, fiscal year 19 35, approved Augu st 12, 1935 (49 Stat . 592), for the purpose of said section 23, shall remain available until June 30, 1937 . OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL

General C ounsel's office. Sa lar ie s : For th e General Counsel and other person al services in General Counsel end the District of Columbia, $107,000 .


Chief Clerk's office . Salaries : For the chief clerk and other personal services in the District of Columbia, including the operating force of the Treasury, Liberty Loan, and Auditors' Buildings and the Treasury Department Annex, Pennsylvania. Avenue and Madison Place, and of other buildings under the control of the Treasury Department, $520,000. MISCELLANEOUS AND CONTINGENT EXPENSES, TREASURY DEPARTMENT For miscellaneous and contingent expenses of the office of the Secret ary and the burea us and offices of the Department, including operating expenses of the Treasury, Treasury Annex, Auditors', and Liberty Loan Buildings ; newspaper clippings, financial Jour- nals, books of reference, law books, technical and scientific books, newspapers, and periodicals, expenses incurred in completing im- perfect series, library cards, supplies, and all other necessary expenses connected with the library ; not exceeding $10,000 for tr aveling expenses, including the pa yment of actual t ransportation and subsistence expenses to any person whom the Secretary of the Treasury may from ti me to time invite to the city of Washington or elsewhere for conference and advisory purposes in furthering the w or k o f th e D ep ar t me nt ; freight, expressage, telegraph and t elephone service ; purchase and exchange of one passenger automobile (at a cost not exceeding $2,500) for the Secretary of the Treasury and of motor trucks, and maintenance and repair of motor trucks and three passenger automob iles (one for the Secretary of the Treasury and two for general use of the Department), all to be used for official purposes only ; file holders and cases ; fuel, oils, grease, and heating supplies and equipment ; gas and electricity for lighting, heating, and power purposes, including material, fixtures, and equip- ment therefor ; purchase, exchange, and repair of typewriters and labor-saving machines and equipment and supplies for same ; floor covering and repairs thereto ; furniture and office equipment, includ- ing supplies therefor and repairs thereto ; awnings, window shades, Vol.48,p.43. Ante, p. 314 . Proviso . Sum available. Ante, p. 592 . Vol.48,p.43. Proviso . Amo unt available . Ante, p. 592. Chief clerk and office personnel . Operating force of designated buildings . Department contin- gent expenses . Operating expenses, De partm ent bu ildin gs . Books, periodicals, e tc. Traveling expenses . Vehicles . Fuel, light, power, etc . Furniture, etc .