Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1833

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74TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 691. JUNE 22, 1936 . personal effects of employees upon permanent change of station, under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior ; Total, United States Geological Survey, $2,807,817 . Bureau of Mines. Salaries and expenses . Ante, pp . 1622, 1759 . Mine rescue cars and stations. Inv estig atio ns . Attendance at meet- ings . Veh icles . Pr oviso . Rescue trophies . Testing fuel . BUREAU OF MINES SALARIES AND GENERAL EXPENSES Salaries and general expenses : For general expenses, including pay of the Director and necessary assistants, clerks, and other employees, in the office in the District of Columbia and in the field, and every other expense requisite for and incident to the general work of the Bureau in the District of Columbia and in the field, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, $65,000, of which amount not to exceed $5 2,000 may be expe nded for personal services in the District of Columbia . Operating mine rescue cars and stations and investigation of mine acci dents : For the investiga tion and improvem ent of mine rescu e and first-aid methods and appliances and the teaching of mine safety, rescue, and first-aid methods ; investigations as to the causes of mine explosions, causes of falls of roof and coal, methods of mining, espe- cially in relation to the safety of miners, the appliances best adapted to preve nt accidents, th e possible improv ement of conditio ns under which mining operations are carried on, the use of explosives and electricity, the prevention of accidents, statistical studies and reports relating to mine accidents, and other inquiries and technologic inves- tigations pertinent to the mining industry ; the exchange in part pay- ment for operation, main tenance, and repa ir of mine rescue trucks ; the construction of temporary structures and the repair, maintenance, and operation of mine rescue cars and the Government-owned mine rescue s tations and appu rtenances thereto ; perso nal s ervic es, tr av- eling expenses and subsistence, equipment, and supplies ; travel and subsistence, and other incidental expenses of employees in attendance at meetings and conferences held for the purpose, of promoting safety and health in the mining and allied industries ; purchase not exceeding $5,000, exchange as part payment for, operation, main- tenance, and repair of m otor-propelled pa ssenger-carrying vehicles for official use in field work ; purchase and exchange in part payment therefor of cooks' uniforms, goggles, gloves, rubber boots, aprons, and such other articles or equipment as may be necessary in connec- tion with the purposes of this paragraph ; including not to exceed $67,100 for personal services in the District of Columbia, $609,365 Provided, That of this amount not to exceed $500 may be expended for the purchase and bes towal of trophies in connection wi th mine- rescue and first-aid contests ; Testing fuel : To conduct inquiries and scientific and technologic i nvest igat ions con cerni ng t he m ining , pr epar atio n, tr eatm ent, and use of mineral fuels, and for investigation of mineral fuels belonging to or for the use of the United States, with a view to their most efficient utilization ; to recommend to various departments such changes in selection and use of fuel as may result in greater econ- omy, and upon reques t of the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, to investigate the fuel-burning equipment in use by or proposed for any of the departments, establishments, or institutions of the United States in the District of Columbia, $185,400, of which amount not to exceed $29,400 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia ;