Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1831

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1786 Topographic surveys . Provisos . Coo per ati on wit h States, etc . Allotment for cooper- ation. Geologic surveys . Proviso, Occurrence, etc., of granite in Northeastern States . Alaska, mineral re- sources . Gaging streams, in- vestigations. Provisos . Divi sion of expen ses . Allotment for cooper- ation . Cla ssi fyi ng la nds as to mineral character, etc . Printing andbinding . Nonmetallic Mineral Acts. Enforcingprovisions . 74iti CONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 691. JUNE 22, 1936. wh en required in connection with the authorized wor k of the Geological Sur vey, to be expended under the regulations from time to time prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, and under the following heads : Topographic surveys : For topographic surveys in various portions of the United States, $650,000, of which amount not to exceed $250,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia : Provided, Th at no part of this appropriati on shall be expended in cooperation with States or municipalities except upon the basis of the State or municipality bearing all of the expense incident thereto in excess of such an amount as is necessary for the Geological Survey to perform its share of standard topographic surveys, such share of the Geological Survey in no case exceeding 50 per centum of the cost of the survey : P rovi ded further, Th at $217,000 of this amount shall be available only for such cooperation with States or m unicip alitie s ; Geolo gic s urvey s : Fo r geo logic surv eys i n the vari ous porti ons of the United States and chemical and physical researches relative thereto, $500,000, of which not to exceed $315,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia : Provided, Th at so much as may be necessary but not to exceed $10,000 of this appropriation shall be available for a survey of the occurrence and uses of granite in the Northeastern States ; Mineral resources of Alaska : For conti nuati on of the inves ti- gation of the mineral resources of Alaska, $60,000, to be available immediately, of which amount not to exceed $34,000 may be expen ded for personal services in t he District of Columbia ; Gaging streams : For gaging streams and determining the water supply of the United States, the investigation of underground currents and artesian wells, and the preparation of reports upon the best methods of utilizing the water resources, $791,317, of whic h amount not to exceed $130,000 may be expended for personal serv- ices in the District of Col umbia : Pro vided , That no part of this appropriation shall be expended in cooperation with States or municipalities except upon the basis of the State or mun icipality bearing all of the expense incident thereto in excess of such an amount as is necessary for the Geological Survey to perform its share of general water reso urce investigations, such sha re of the Geological Survey in no case exceeding 50 per centum of the cost of the investigation : Provided further, That $589,317 of this amount sha ll be available only for such coope rati on w ith States or mun icipa lities ; Classification of lands : For the exam inati on an d cla ssifi catio n of lands with respect to mi neral character and water res ources as required by the public-land laws and for related administrative operations ; for the preparation and publication of mineral-land classification and water-resources maps and reports ; for engineering supervision of power permit s and grants under the jurisd iction of the Secretary of the Interior ; and for performance of work of the Federal Power Comm ission, $100,000, of which amo unt not to exceed $70,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia ; Printing and binding, and so forth : For printing and binding, $120,000 ; for preparation of illustrations, $21,500 ; and for engrav- ing and printing geologic and topographic maps, $110,000

in all,

$251,5 00 ; Mineral leasing : For the enforcement of the provisions of the Acts of October 20, 1914 (U . S. C., title 48, sec. 435), October 2,