Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1816

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14TIr C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 691 . JUNE 22, 1936 .

17 71 projects on the Klamath Reservation, $2 .000, to be paid from the funds held by the United States in trust for the Klamath Indians in the State of Oregon, said sum, or such part thereof as may be used, to be reimbursed to the tribe under such rules and regulations as Reimbursable . the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, together with $2,000 from the general fund of the Treasury, from which amount expendi- tures shall not exceed the aggregate receipts from operation and maintenance collections on the Sand Creek unit covered into the sand Creek unit . Trea sury in acc ordanc e with sect ion 4 of the Perm anent Appro- priation Repeal Act, 1934 . For continuing operation and maintenance and betterment of the Uncompahg re, uin- irrigation system to irrigate allotted lands of the Uncompahgre, uis, and River Uintah, and White River Utes in Utah, authorized under the Act Irrigating tribal of June 21, 1906 (34 Stat ., p . 375), $20,000, reimbursable, together with $38,000, from which amount expenditures shall not exceed the Vol.34.p.a


. aggregate receipts covered into the Treasury in accordance with section 4 of the Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act, 1934 . For operation and maintenance of the Wapato irrigation and Yakima Reservation, drain age syst em, and auxiliar y units thereof, Yakima Indian R eser- ~~a apato system, vation, Washington, $1,000, reimbursable, together with $140,000 maintenance, etc . (collec tions fr om the w ater use rs on th e Wapato -Satus, Toppenis h- Simcoe, and Ahtanum units), from which amount expenditures shall not exceed the aggregate receipts covered into the Treasury in accordance with section 4 of the Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act, 1934 . For reimbursement to the reclamation fund the proportionate Water payments . expense of operation and maintenance of the reservoirs for furnish- ing stored water to lands in the Yakima Indian Reservation, Wash- ing ton, in accordan ce with the prov isions o f sectio n 22 of the Act Vol . 38.1).604 . of August 1, 1914 (38 Stat ., p. 604), $11,000 . For operation and maintenance of irrigation systems within the t;n,'ƒ oiverReserva . ceded and dim ini she d por tio ns of the Wi nd Ri ver Reservation, Irrigating tribal Wyoming, including the Indians' pro-rata share of the cost of opera- lands . t ion and maintena nce of t he River ton-Le C lair irr igation district Riierton-Le Clair t~

district. the Big Bend drainage district on the ceded reservation, and for payment of the Indians' pro-rata share of the cost of operation and maintenance of the Big Bend drainage district for the years 1925 to is2 n~`io is3aa district, 1933, inclusive, in accordance with the terms of a contract between the United States and said district dated September 22, 1931, $32,000, reimbursable, together with $15,000 from which amount expendi- Reimbursable. tures shall not exceed the aggregate receipts covered into the Treasury in accordance with section 4 of the Permanent Appropria- Vol. 4s, p. 1227. tion Repeal Act, 1934 . For the construction, repair, and rehabilitation of irrigation sys- ag e rrigati on and drain- tems on Indian reservations; for the purchase or rental of equipment, construction, main- tools, and appliances; for the acquisition of rights-of-way, and pay- tenance, etc' ment of damages in connection with such irrigation systems; for the development of domestic and stock water and water for sub- sistence gardens; for the purchase of water rights, ditches, and lands needed for such projects; and for drainage and protection of irri- gable lands from damage by floods or loss of water rights, as follows : Al lotments . Ar izona : Havasupai, $5,000, reimbursable; Hopi, $50,000, reim- Ar izona. bursable; Navajo, $60,000, reimbursable; Ak Chin, $3,000, reimburs- able; Navajo and Hopi (domestic and stock water), $45,000; Chili Chui, $5,000, reimbursable; Pap ago (domestic and st ock wa ter ), $26,400; Montana : F ort Be lkn ap, $12,000, reimbursable; Fort Peck, Montana . $100,000, reimbursable;