Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1791

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74TH CONG RES S . SESS . II. CH. 690. JUNE 22, 1936. Interest on judg - SEC. 808. INTER EST ON JUDGMEN TS . ments . US . C .3p.1265. 1141 ; Section 177 (b) of the Judicia l Code, as amen ded, is amende d to read as follows Overpayments . " ( b) In an y judgment of a ny court rende red (whether ag ainst the United States, a collector or deputy collector of internal revenue, a former collector or deputy collector, or the personal representative in case of death) for a ny overpayment in respect of any internal- revenue tax, interest shall be allowed at the rate of 6 per centum per annum upon the amount of the overpayment, from the date of the payment or collection t hereof to a da te preceding th e date of the refund c heck by not mor e than thirty days, such date to be deter- Tender of check to mined by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. The Commissioner stop i nterest. is hereby authorized to tender by check payment of any such judg- ment, with interest as herein provided, at any time after such judgment becomes final, whether or not a claim for such payment has been duly filed, and such tender shall stop the running of interest, whether or not such refund check is accepted by the judgment creditor ." Jewelry tax .

SEC. 809. TERM INATIO N OF JE WELRY TAX. Termination of. Vol.47,p.261 . Furs .

SEC. 810. TAX ON FURS . (a) Effective after the date of the enactment of this Act, section 604 of the Reve nue Act of 1932 is amended by striking out " 10 per centum" and inserting in lieu thereof "3 per centum" . (b) The exemption of articles sold for less than $75, provided by section 608 of the Revenue Act of 1934, shall not apply to articles sold after the date of the enactment of this Act . Shingle s .

SEC. 811. IMPORTATION OF SHINGLES . Imp ort at ion of red

Whenever any organization or association representing the pro- cedar , from Ca nada . ducers of more than 75 per centum of the red cedar shingles pro- duced in the United States during the previous half-year period shall request the President to limit the importation of red cedar shingles Post,p.3981. from Canada under paragraph 1760 of the reciprocal trade agreement entered into with the Dominion of Canada under date of November 15, 1935, and the President finds from available statistics that the total quantity of red cedar shingles produced in the Dominion of Canada which is entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for con- sumption in the United States, during any given half of any cal- endar year exceeds or will exceed 25 per centum of the combined total of the shipments of red cedar shingles by producers in the United States and the imports during the preceding half year, the Presiden t shall issue a n order limiti ng for the six months immedi- ately fo llowing the hal f of the calen dar year in whi ch said excess occurred, the quantity of red cedar shingles to be imported from Canada to 25 per centum of the combined total of the shipments and imports of red cedar shingles for such preceding half calendar year . The President shall issue a new order for each half of the calendar year thereafter during the continuation of the operation of the reciprocal trade agreement entered into with the Dominion of Can- ada, under date of November 15, 1935, with the same limitations as hereinbefore set forth . Tax rate. Vol.47,p.261. Tax exe mption re- peal . Vol. 48, p. 768. The tax imposed by section 605 of the Revenue Act of 1932 shall not apply to any article sold by the manufacturer, producer, or importer after the date of the enactment of this Act .