Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/165

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74 TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS . 49, 54. APRIL 8, 9, 1935 . upon which articles there shall be a tariff or customs duty shall be admitted without payment of such tariff, customs duty, fees, or charges under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe ; but it shall be lawful at any time during or within three months after the close of the said exposition, to sell within the area of the exposition any articles provided for herein, subject to such regulations for the security of the revenue and for the collection of import duties as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe : Pro- vided, That all such articles, when withdrawn for consumption or use in the United States, shall be subject to the duties, if any, imposed upon such articles by the revenue laws in force at the date of their withdrawal ; and on such articles, which shall have suffered diminu- tion or deterioration from incidental handling or exposure, the du ties, if paya ble, s hall b e asse ssed a ccordin g to t he app raised value at the tim e of wit hdra wal from ent ry h ereu nder for con sump tion or entry under the general tariff law : Provided further, That imported articles provided for herein shall not be subject to any marking re quirem ents of the g eneral tarif f laws , excep t when such articl es are withdrawn for consumption or use in the United States, in which case they shall not be released from customs custody until properly ma rked, but no additi onal d uty sh all be assess ed bec ause s uch ar ticles were not sufficient ly marked when imported into the United Stat es Provided further, That at any time during or within three months after the close of the exposition, any article entered hereunder may be abandoned to the Government or destroyed under customs super- vision, whereupon any duties on such article shall be remitted : Pro- vided further, That articles, which have been admitted without pay- ment of duty for exhibition under any tariff law and which have remained in continuous customs custody or under a customs exhi- bitio n bo nd, and impo rted art icle s in bon ded ware hous es u nder the general tariff law may be accorded the privilege of transfer to and entry for exhibition at the said exposition under such regulations as de Exposition ie coonpa ne the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe : And provided further, of merchandise . That the Califo rnia Pacific In ternational Exp osition Compan y shall be deemed, for customs purposes only, to be the sole consignee of all merchandise imported under the provisions of this Act, and that the actual and necessary customs charges for labor, services, and other expenses in connection with the entry, examination, appraise- ment, release, or custody, tog ether with the necessary char ges for salar ies of c usto ms o ffic ers and empl oyee s in con nect ion with the supervision, custody of, and accounting for, articles imported under the provisions of this Act, shall be reimbursed by the California Pacific Inter nationa l Expo sition Compan y to t he Gov ernment of the United States under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, and that receipts from such reimbursements shall be deposited as refunds to the appropriation from which paid, in the manner provided for in section 524, Tariff Act of 1930 . Approved , April 8, 1935 . Sa les permitted . Provisos . Paying duty on articles withdrawn. Deterioration allow- ance . Marking ments. require- Articles abandoned . Tran sfer privileges . Incurred Federal ex- penses reimbursable. Deposit of, as ceipts . Vol. 46, p . 741, U.S.C .,p. 894 . re- April 9, 1935 .

[H.R.5913.1 [Public, No. 29.] War De par tm ent ap- propriations, fiscal year 1936 . [CHAP TER 54 .1 AN ACT Mak ing appropriations for the military and nonmilitary activities of the War Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1936, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by . the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums are approp riated, out of any money in th e Treasury not other- wise appropriated, for the military and nonmilitary activities of the War Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1936, and for