Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1636

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74TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 688 . JU NE 22, 1936 .

1591 in Office of the Chief of Engineers ; estimated construction cost, $1,364 ,900 . Draina ge and D iking Di stricts in Colum bia Coun ty, Oreg on : Le vees to protect areas now subject to inundation ; the following projects are set forth in a special report in the Office of the Chief of Engi- neers : Deer Island Area, estimated construction cost, $281,600 ; Prescott Area, estimated construction cost, $281,600 ; Prescott Area, estimated construction cost $26,200 ; Westland Area, estimated con- struct ion cost, $116 ,600 . WILLAMETTE RIVER

Willamette River . Construction of bank-protection works, with channel clearing on the Willamette River, Clackamas River, Tualatin River, Molalla River, Santiam River, Marys River, Muddy Creek, and on McKenzie Rive r in Ore gon, for the red uction o f flood heights and to p revent loss of land by erosion ; special report in Office of the Chief of E n g in e e r s ; estimated construction c ost, $2,430,0 00 . UM ATILT .A RIVER Construction of flood-control works at Pendleton, Oregon


and data in the Office of the Chief of Engineers

est imated constr uc-

tion cost, $200,000 . L EWIS RI VER Cowlitz County, Diking Improvement District Numbered 1, Wash- ington : Improve existing works for additional protection of agri- cultural communities ; special report in Office of the Chief of Engineers ; estimated construction cost, $208,000 . COWLITZ RIVER Improvement of existing works for additional protection of agri- cultural communities in Cowlitz County, Washington : Dik in g, Drainage, and Improvement Districts Numbered 1, 2, and 13 ; special report in Office of the Chief of Engineers ; estimated construction cost, $210,400 . PUYALLUP RIVER Columbia County, Oreg. Bank protection, pre- venting losses by ero- sion, etc ., designated rivers . Umatilla River . Flood control, Pen . dleton, Oreg . Lewis River . Cowlitz County, Wash . Cowlitz River. Cowlitz Count y, Wash . STILLAGUAMISH RIVER

Stillaguamish River. Imp roveme nt of flood chann el by clear ing an d bank reve tment pFlood channel im- at twenty-six places to prevent flood damages and loss of land by erosion ; special report in Office of the Chief of Engineers ; estimated construction cost, $261,000 . Puyallup River . Up per Puyallup River, Washington : Bank protection ; report to Rve p`~ash Puyallup Congress not yet made ; special report in Office of the Chief of Engineers ; estimated construction cost, $50,000 . Mud Mountain Reservoir, on White River, Washington : For flood erMud Mountain Re control ; special report in Office of the Chief of Engineers ; estimated Wash . c onst ruct ion cost , $3 ,177 ,000 ; e stimated cost of lands a nd damag es, $28,000. T aco ma, on Puyallup River, Washington : Channel improvement Tacoma, wash . to protect people and industrial section of city ; special report in Office of the Chief of Engineers ; estimated construction cost, $894,000 ; estimated cost of lands and damages, $1,555,000 .