Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1611

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74TH CONGRE SS . SESS. II. CHS. 644-646 . JUNE 20, 1936 . the flag of the United States on all governmental buildings on October 11, 1936, and inviting the people of the United States to observe the day in schools and churches or other suitable places, with appropriate ceremonies in commemoration of the death of General Casimir Pulaski . Approved, June 20, 1936 . [CHAPTER 645 .] J OINT RESOLU TION June 20, 1936 . [S.J.Res. 2S0.J

To ratify and confirm the appointment of Isaac Gans as a member of the Alcoholic : [Pub. Res., No. 111.1

Beverage Control Boa rd of the Dis tri ct of Columbia. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United District of Columbia States o f America in Congress assembled, That the appoint ment by Alcoholic Beve rag e Control Board . the Commissioners of the District of Columbia of Isaac Gans as a Ap pei ntm member Cans as a member of ., member of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board of the District of conf irmed . .321.

Columbia for a term of four years beginning February 4, 1936, is hereby ratified and confirmed . Approved, June 20, 1936 . [CHAPT ER 646 .] JOI NT RESO LUT ION June 20,1936. [H.J. Res. 444.]

To amend the joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution authorizing the Federal [Pub. Res., No. 112.] T rade Commissi on to make an investigat ion with resp ect to agric ultural income and the financial and economic condition of agricultural producers g enera lly", appro ved Au gust 27, 1935 . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Ag ricultural inco me States of America in Congress assembled, That section 1 of the joint and financial and eco- nomic condition of resolution entitled "Joint resolution authorizing the Federal Trade agricultural oduproducers . Commission to make an investigation with respect to agricultural income and the financial and economic condition of agricultural producers generally", approved August 27, 1935 (Public Resolution Nu mbered 61, Seve nty-fou rth Cong ress), be, and the sam e is her eby, am ended s o as to read as follows Federal Trade Com- "That the Federal Trade Commission is hereby authorized and mission to investigate and report on subjects directed to investigate and report, at the next session of Congress- designated.

"First . (1) The extent of the decline in agricultural income in Extent of recent agri- culturalincomedeclinel

re cent ye ars, inc luding the amou nt and percenta ge of s uch decl ine ; Corporations engaged "(2) The extent of the increases or decreases in recent years in in sale, processing, etc ., of pri ncipal farm prod- the income of the principal corporations engaged in the sale, manu- nets .

facturing, warehousing, and/or processing of the principal farm products, and of table and juice grapes, fresh fruits and vegetables, and of the other principal sellers, manufacturers, warehousemen, Gra pes, fresh fruit s, and/or processors of the principal farm products, and of table and and vegetables added. juice grapes, fresh fruits and vegetables, as compared with the decline in agricultural income, including the amount and percentage of such changes ; and Proportion of con- "(3) The proportion of total consumer cost of representative sumer cost received by farmer, etc . products manufactured or processed from the principal farm prod- ucts, and of table and juice grapes, fresh fruits and vegetables, which is represented by the proceeds received by (a) the farmer ; (b) the manufacturers, processors, and warehousemen ; and (c) the distributors and such principal farm products, and of table and juice gr apes, f resh fr uits and vegeta bles, an d such represen tative products manufactured therefrom . Financial position of "Second . The financial position of the principal corporations principal manufactur- ing, etc., corporations . engaged in the manufacturing, processing, warehousing, distribution,