Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1596

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74TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 630. JU NE 20, 1936.

1551 unless the manuscript and proof therefor is furnished to the Public Printer in the following manner : Manuscript of the documents accompanying such annual reports on or before the 1st day of Novem- ber of each year ; manuscript of the annual reports on or before the 15th day of November of each year ; complete revised proofs of the accompanying documents on the 1st day of December of each year and of the annual reports on the 10th day of December of each year ; and all of said annual reports and accompanying documents shall be printed, made public, and available for distribution not later than wit hin th e first five d ays af ter the assemb ling o f each regular sessi on of Congress . The provisions of this section shall not apply to the Exceptions . annual reports of the Smith sonian Institution, the Commissioner of Pa tents , the Comp troll er of the Curre ncy, or th e Sec retar y of the Treasury . TITLE VI STATUTES AT LARGE SEc. 9 . That so much of chapter 23, section 73 (28 Stat . 615), of the Printing Act, approved January 12, 1895, as amended, as relates to the publication and distribution of the Statutes at Large (U . S . C ., title 1, sec . 30, and title 44, sec . 196), be, and is hereby, amended to read as follows 196. STATUTES AT LARGE ; CONTENTS ; ADMISSIBILITY IN EVIDENCE.- That, beginning with the Seventy-fifth Congress and thereafter, the Secreta ry of State shall ca use to be compiled, edited, and indexed the United States Statutes at Large, which shall contain all the laws and concurrent resolutions enacted during each session of Congress, and also all conventions, treaties, and international agreements to which the United States is a party and which have come into force since the date of the adjournment of the session of Congress next pre- ceding, including all proclamations issued since that date, The United States Statutes at Large shall be legal evidence of the laws, treaties, and conventions therein contained in all the courts of the United States, its Territories, and insular possessions, and of the s everal States therei n . 196a . SAME ; DISTRIBUTION .-The Public Printer shall print, and after the final adjournment of each session of Congress, bind and deliver to the Superintendent of Documents as many copies of the Statutes at Large as may be required for distribution as follows To the President of the Uni ted States, four cop ies, one of which shall be for the library of the Executive Mansion

To the Vice President of the United States, two copies ; To each Senator, Representative, Delegate, and Resident Com- missioner in Congress, one copy ; To the office of the Parlia mentarian of the Hou se of Representa- tives, two co pies ; To the offices of the Legislative Counsel of the Senate and House of Re prese ntati ves, each, one copy ; To the Senat e Lib rary, not to ex ceed twent y-fiv e cop ies ; To the House Library, not to exceed fifty copies ; To the Library of Congress for international exchange and for official use in Washington, District of Columbia, not to exceed one hundred and fifty copies ; To the library of the Supreme Court of the United States, for distribution to the Chief Justice and Associate Justices, the officers of the Court, and for use in the library, not to exceed twenty copies ; To the Architect of the Capitol, one copy ; To the Public Printer, two copies ; To the National Archives, not to exceed five copies ; T itle VI . S tatu tes at L arge . Vol. 28, p. 615. U.S.C., pp . 2, 1943. P ublicat ion at end of each session . Contents. A dmis sibi lity in evi. dance. Distribution.