Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1589

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS . 626-628. JUNE 20, 1936. freeboard and less buoyance than the load line established by the International Treaty on Load Lines of 1930, and that the regulations Changes permitted, established under this proviso shall have the force of law


Great Lakes, etc. further, That in applying the load lines to vessels on the Great Lakes and t o stea m col liers, tug s, bar ges, and s elf-pr opell ed ba rges engage d in special services on inter-island voyages and on coastwise voyages from port to port in the continental United States the Secretary of Commerce is vested with discretion to vary the load-line marks from those established by said treaty when in his opinion the changes made by him will not be abov e the actual line of safety ." Approved, June 20, 1936 . [CHAPTER 627.] June 20, 1936 .

AN ACT [H. R . 12073 .]

To reserve certain public-domain lands in New Mexico as an addition to the [Public, No. 721 .]

school reserve of the Jicarilla Indian Reservation . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Jicarilla Indian Res . United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the following- er Ce t ai N .1Vlex . Certain lands added described public-domain lands be, and they are hereby, withdrawn to school reserve. from entry, sale, or other disposition and set aside as an addition to the school reserve of the Ji carilla Indian Re servation, Dulce, New Mexico : Northwes t quarter southwest quarter a nd the sou theast quarter southwest quarter section 30, township 32 north, range 1 Proviso .

west, New Mexico principal meridian, New Mexico : Provided, That rri g hts not af- fected.

said withdrawal shall not affect any valid rights initiated prior to app roval her eof . Approved, June 20, 1936 . June 20 .1936 . [H.R. 12419 .] [Public, No.722.] Inspection of steam vessels . Laws coveri ng, ma de applicable to seagoing vessels of 300 gross tons and over, propelled by internal-combus tion engines . Provisos . Fishing, etc ., boats excepted . Li cense s, ma sters and engineers operating vessels in Hawa iia n waters . Qualifications, etc . [CHAPTER 628.] AN ACT To apply laws covering steam vessels to seagoing vessels of three hundred gross tons and over propelled by internal-combustion engines . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Cong ress assembled, That exis ting laws covering th e inspections of steam vessels be, and they are her eby, made applicable to seagoing vessels of three hundred gross tons and ove r propell ed in whol e or in pa rt by int ernal-comb ustion engines to such extent and u pon such conditio ns as may be requ ired by the regu lations of the Bo ard of Supervisin g Inspectors of S team Vessels, wi th the approval of the Secretary o f Commerce : P ro vid ed , That this Act shall not apply to any vessel e ngaged in fishing, oyster- ing, clamming, crabbing, or any other branch of the fishery or kelp or sponge industry : Provided further, That as to licenses required for masters and engineers op erating vessels p ropelled by inter nal- combustion engines operating exclusively in the district covering the Hawaiian Islands, sa id masters and engineers shall be under the juris dictio n of the h ull a nd boi ler i nspec tors h aving juri sdicti on over said waters, who shall make diligent inquiry as to the character, merits, 'and qualifications, and knowledge and skill of any master or engineer applying for a license . If the said inspectors shall be sat- isfied from personal examination of the applicant and from other proof submitted that the applicant possesses the requisite character, merits, qualifications, knowledge, and skill, and is trustworthy and fait hful, they shall gran t him a lic ense for t he ter m of five years to operate such vessel under the limits prescribed in the license .