Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1564

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74TII CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS. 581, 582. JUNE 16, 1936.

1 519 or carg o, having due regard to the class of vessel or cargo, as is granted to such carrier or other person subject to this Act . "Whoever violates any provision of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than $5,000 for each offense ." Approved, June 16, 1936 . Penalty for violation . [CHAPTER 582 .1 AN ACT June 16, 1936 . To amend the Federal Aid Highway Act, approved July 11, 1916, as amended [H . R . 11687.] and supplemented, and for other purpo ses .

[Public, No.686.; Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United Sta tes o f America in Congress as sembled, Th at fo r the pu r- w Federal 1 A Act of ssIIa gh . po se o f carryingo out the provisins of theA Act entited" "An Act to meats. pr ovide that the Unite d States s hall aid t he States in the con struction 42`ol. 39, p. 355 ; 5; Vol . of rural post roads, and for other purposes", approved July 11, 1916, p.865 . and all Acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, there is u .S.C.,p.969. h ereby aut horized t o be app ropriated , out of any mone y in the fiscal S ums a tho 98dand Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the following sums, to be 1939 . expended according to the provisions of such Act as amended : The sum of $125,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1938, and the sum of $125,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1939 . (a) All sums authorized in this section and apportioned to the a 81 8ppor9oe nm en t, States shall be available for expenditure for one year after the close of the fiscal year for which said sums, respectively, are authorized, and any sum remaining unexpended at the end of the period during Use of unexpended h, w hich it is avai lable for expen ditur e sha ll be reap porti oned among balances . the States as provided in section 21 of the Federal Highway Act of 1921 (42 Stat . 212) . (b) On or before January 1 of each year, the Secretary of Agri- apportionment . Ti

for culture shall apportion among the several States, as provided in Vol. 42, p. 217. section 21 of the Federal Highway Act of 1921, the sums authorized for the fiscal year immediately following . When said apportion- Submission of state ment has been made for any fiscal year, the State highway depart- projec ts for approva l . ments may submit projects to the Secretary of Agriculture for his approval . The Secretary of Agriculture shall act upon projects submitted to him under any such apportionment and his approval of any such project shall be deemed a contractual obligation of the Federal Government for the payment of its proportional contribu- tion thereto : Provided, That projects approved under any app or- or- Approo l al and beg in- tionment before the beginning of the fiscal year for which such ning o f proje cts bef ore beginning of fiscal year apportionment has been made may be contracted for by the States for which apportion- and construction thereon may be begun, but the total reimbursements meatmade. t o any State or Territory before the beginning of such fiscal year shall not exceed the total of all previous apportionments to such State or Territory . (c) The term "highway" as defined in the Federal Highway Act, "Highway" p'212finea . approved November 9, 1921, as amended and supplemented, shall be deemed to include such main parkways as may be designated by the State and approved by the Secretary of Agriculture as part of the Federal-aid highway system . (d) If within the fiscal years 1936 or 1937 the Secretary of Agri- w theist Federal unds culture shall find with respect to any State that the proceeds of all specified cases . special taxes on motor-vehicle transportation, as referred to in sec- Vol. 48, p. 995. tion 12 of the Act of June 18, 1934 (48 Stat . 993), are applied to highway purposes as defined in said section and shall further find that after having so applied such proceeds to such highway pur- poses other than construction there will be insufficient balance