Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1559

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7 4TH CONGRESS . SESS. II . CHS . 549-551 . JUNE 15, 1936 . [CHAPTER 550 .] June 15, 1936 .

IS . 3818] To provide for the adjustment and settlement of certain claims for damages resulting from the operation of vessels of the Coast Guard and Public Health Service. [Public, No. 680.] Coast Guard and Public Health Service. Damages resulting fr om operation of ves- sels of. Adjus tment and set- tlement of claims ; lim- itation on amount . Certificatio n to Con- gress. Prov isos . Time limitatio n for presenting. Acce ptance deemed settlement in full . 1935), or the investigation and prosecution of any case pending either in the Federal or State courts, in the western district of North Ca roli na, invo lvin g la nds owne d or cla imed by the East ern Band of Cherokee Indians, or by the United States in their behalf, or other public lands owned or involved in litigation in such western district of North Carolina shall not be construed to be employment within the meaning of sections 109 and 113 of the Criminal Code of the United States, as amended (U . S . C ., title 18, sees . 198 and 203 ,or section 190 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (U . S . C., title5, sec.99). Approved, June 15, 1936 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of t he Treasury may consider, asce rtain, adjust, and determine any claim accruing after the approval of this Act, on account of dam- ages occasioned by collisions or incident to the operation of vessels of the United States Coast Guard or of the United States Public Health Service, and for which damage the said vessels shall be found to be responsible, and such amount as may be ascertained and determined to be due any claimant, not exceeding $3,000 in any one case, shall be certified to Congress as a legal claim for payment out of appropriations that may be made by Congress therefor , together with a brief state ment of the cha racter of each claim, the amount claimed, and the amount allowed : Provided, That no claim shall be considered under this Act unless presented to the Secretary of the Treasury within one year from the date of the accrual of said claim : Provided further, That acceptance by any claimant of the amount determined to be due under the provisions of this Act shall be deemed to be in full and final settle ment of such claim against the Government of the United States . Approved, June 15, 1936 . [CHAPTER 551 .] AN ACT June 15, 1936 .

AN ACT [5 .4265 .] To authorize the Secretary of War to set apart as a national cemetery certain [Public, No. 681.]

lands of the United States Military Reservation of Fort Bliss, Texas . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized to set aside in the United States Military Reservation of Fort Bliss, Texas, a plot of land which shall include the existing post cemetery with such boundaries as he may prescribe therefor as a national cemetery, which hereafter shall be cared for and maintained as a national cemetery under the laws relating to the same . Approved, June 15, 1936 . Fort Bliss, Tex . Portion of, author- ized to be set aside as national cemetery .