Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/155

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74 TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS. 42 11. APRIL 5, 1935 . building to be put in a safe, sanitary, and usable condition and made to comply with all the laws and regulations relative to build- ings in the District of Columbia, and in the event of the failure or neglect of the pl aintiff to cause the repairs or alteratio ns necessa ry o nReo ilure va to build ply to be made to comply with the order of the court and the provisions with order of cour t. of this Act, the Board shall inform the court of such fact and the court shall thereupon enter an order requiring the removal of the said build ing o r part of b uildin g . Unless cause be shown to the court within ten days from the filing of said verdict of removal why the same should not be confirmed, the court shall ratify and confirm the same and cause judgment thereon to be entered accordingly, all the costs of the proceeding to follow the judgment . Th e Co m mi s- sioners of the District of Columbia, or their duly authorized agents, Assessment of costs . shall proceed with the removal of the building or parts of building, as ordered by the court, and the cost of removing the building or part of building, including the cost of making good such damage to adjoining premises as may have resulted in such removal, and the cost of publication, if any may be necessary, authorized by section 10 of this Act, shall be assessed against the real estate upon which said building or part of building stood, should the owner at his expense fail to remove the same within such time as may be fixed by the court in the order confirming the verdict of said jury. Jury fees. "Each member of the jury appointed by the court as aforesaid shall receive for each day's attendance the sum of $8 to be included as part of the cost of the proceedings . Payment of expenses . a SEc . 15 . Except as herein otherwise authorized all expenses inci- dent to the enforcement of this Act shall be paid from appropriations made from time to time for that purpose in like manner as other appropriations for the expenses of the District of Columbia ." Approved, April 5, 1935 . [ CHAP TER 43 .] AN ACT April 5, 1935. [H . R. 4538 .] To change the designation of Leffler Place to Second Place . [Public, No. 26.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the D ist rict of Columbia . Uni ted S tates of America in Congress assembled, That the street N ame

Se designated as Leffler Place Northwest, running north from Ogle- ond Place . thorpe Street to Peabody Street Northwest, be, and the same is hereby, changed to Second Place, thereby conforming to the general practice in the naming of short streets of this character in the District of Columbia . Approved, April 5, 1935 . [CH APT ER 44.] April 6, 1935. JOINT RESOLUTION [S.J. Res. 24.]

To authorize the acceptance on behalf of the United States of the bequest of [Pub . Res ., No. 10.1

the late Charlotte Taylor of the city of Saint Petersburg, State of Florida, for the benefit of Walter Reed G eneral Hospita l . Resolved by the Senate and Hous e of Representatives of the Charlotte Taylor. United States of America in C ongr ess assembled, That the com- a esst t frebenefitbof mending officer alter Reed General Hospital b, and is hereby, 'I Hospital authorized to accept the bequest of the late Charlotte Taylor, of the city of Saint Petersburg, State of Florida, as contained in her last will and testament and such interest as may have accrued on the funds covered by such bequest, and to receipt therefor on behalf of the United States, and to deposit the funds so received in the Treasury of the United States as a special fund dedicated to the