Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1506

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS . 491496 . JUNE 4, 1936 . SEC . 2. That when the Secretary of Agriculture finds that mer- chantable timber may be cut without detriment to the purity or depletion of the water supply from such of the above-described lands title to which has been revested in the United States under the Act of Congress approved June 9, 1916 (39 Stat . 218), said Secretary is hereby authorized to dispose of such merchantable timber on such lands in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture for the national fo rests and the entire proceeds of any s uch sal e shal l be de posited in th e Treas ury of tl, ~ United States in a sp eci al fu nd designated "The Oregon and Ca lif or nia L and Grant Fund", referred to in section 10 of the said Act of June 9, 1916, and be disposed of in the manner therein designated . Approved, June 4, 1936 . ' So in original . Cutting of merchant- able timber on revested lands . Vol.39,p.218. Disposal of . 146 1 Deposit of receipts . [CHAPTER 495 .] AN ACT

June 4, 1936. To am end ce rta in pl ant -qu ar ant ine laws .

[H. R.8495.] [Public, No . 643 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the third Plan t p rant ine . sentence of the second paragraph under the subheading "Enforce- ment of the Plant Quarantine Act" under the heading "Miscella- neous" of the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations for the shipments of pla nts h

by mail ; inspection by Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June thir- State officials . tieth, nineteen hundred and sixteen", approved March 4, 1915, is amended to re ad as follows : "If the pl ants or pl ant produc ts etDisp position free ofn- (including seed) are found upon inspection to be free from injurious jurious pests . pests and not in violation of a plant-quarantine law or plant-quar- antine regulation of the United States Department of Agriculture or of the State of destination pertaining to such injurious pests, or if infect ed shal l be di sinfec ted by said of ficial , they shall u pon pa yment of postage therefor be returned to the postmaster at the place of inspection to be forward 1 to the person to whom they are addressed ; but if found to be infected with injurious pests and incapable of Disposition of in. satisfactory disinfection or in violation of a plant-quarantine law fected plants . or plant-quarantine regulation of the United States Department of Agriculture or of the State of destination pertaining to such inju- rious pests, the State inspector shall so notify the postmaster at the place of inspection who shall promptly notify the sender of said plants or plant products that they will be returned to him upon his request and at his expense, or in default of such request that they will be turned over to the State authorities for destruction ." Approved, June 4, 1936 . [CHAPTER 496 .] AN ACT June 4, 1936 . To make lands in drainage, irrigation, and conservancy districts eligible for loans [H . R . 9009 .] by the Federal land banks and other Fede ral agen cies loa ning on farm lan ds,

[Public, No . 644 .] notwithstanding the existence of prior liens of assessments made by such dis- tricts, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, Th at the Far m Fa rm Credit Ad- ministration, etc . Credit Administration, the Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation, the Loans by,onlandsin Federal land banks the Land Bank Commissioner, and any lending drainage, irrigation, irrigation, t, and conservanc dis- or financing agenc y established by or under the Farm Credi t Act of tricts . 1933, as amended, or the Federal Farm Loan Act, as amended, are uS.C.,pp . 257, 344 .