Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/149

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I . CH. 39. MARCH 22, 1935. when said reprints can be procured more cheaply than they can be printed by the Government, and other necessary expenses, $403,300, of which amount not to exceed $313,5,00 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . women' s Bureau . Salaries and expenses. Vol. 41, p. 987. U.S.C.,p.1320. Em ploym ent S erv I.. WOMEN'S BUREAU Salaries and expenses : For carrying out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to establish in the Department of Labor a bureau to be known as the Women's Bureau ", approved June 5, 1920 (U . S. C., title 29, sees . 11-16 ; U. S . C ., Supp . VII, title 29, sees . 12-14), inc luding per sonal serv ices in th e District of Columb ia, not to exceed $134,500 ; purchase of material for reports and educational exhibits, and traveling expenses, $153,500, of which sum not to exceed $3,00 0 shall be available for expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the work of said bureau when incurred on the written authority of the Secretary of Labor . UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE tionro idingf~ernomo- For carrying out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to Vol . 4s, p. i13. provid e for the e stabl ishmen t of a nati onal emplo yment syste m and for cooperation with the States in the promotion of such system, and for other purposes ", approved June 6, 1933 ; personal services and rent in the District of Columbia and elsewhere ; traveling expenses, Attendance at meet- including expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the ings .

work of the United States Employment Service when specifically Books, etc. authorized by the Secretary of Labor ; law books, books of reference and periodicals, printing and binding, supplies and equipment, tele- graph and telephone service, and miscellaneous expenses, $3,200,000, of which amount not to exceed $775,000 shall be available for all administrative purposes including not to exceed $175,000 for personal Basis of apportion. Proviso Bws° ƒ

services in the Department in the District of Columbia : Pr o vi de d , went . That apportionments under the provisions of such Act for the fiscal year 1936 shall be on the basis of a total apportionment to all States of $3,000,000 and in order to supply the Government's apportion- ments to States qualifying under such Act for the first time, which are not capable of being supplied under the foregoing appropriation, there is hereby appropriated so much as may be necessary to supply such apportionments . United States Hous-

UNITED STATES HOUSING CORPORATION Ing Corporation. Salaries and expenses. Salaries and expenses : For officers, clerks, and other employees, and for contingent and miscellaneous expenses, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, including blank books, maps, stationery, file cases, towels, ice, brooms, soap, freight and express charges, Printing and bi nding . communication service, traveling expense, printing and binding not to exceed $100, and all other miscellaneous items and expenses not included in the foregoing and necessary to collect and account for the receipts from the sale of properties and the receipts from the operation of unsold properties of the United States Housing Cor- poration, the Bureau of Industrial Housing and Transportation, property commandeered by the United States through the Secretary of Labor, and to collect the amounts advanced to transportation facilities and others ; for payment of special assessments and other utility, municipal, State, and county charges or assessments unpaid by purchasers, and which have been assessed against property in which the United States Housing Corporation has an interest, and to defray expenses incident to foreclosing mortgages, conducting