Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1426

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74TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 463 . MAY 27, 1936 .

1381 SEC . 2 . That section 4404 of the Revised Statutes is hereby amended as1 1--s. C.; 4401 i4p ' to read as follows "SEC . 4404. There shall be seven supervising inspectors, who shall to-supervising inspec- be appointed by the Secretary of Commerce . In the appointment Appointment ; num- of the supervising inspectors provided for by this section the ber . Secretary of Commerce shall give due consideration to the reap- pointment of such of the present supervising inspectors as by their record of efficiency and experience have demonstrated their fitness for their positions . All vacancies occurring thereafter in the Board Filling vacancies . of Supervising Inspectors may be filled by selection from the prin- cipal traveling inspectors provided for by section 3 of this Act, or from the United States Local Inspectors . Each supervising inspector Salarr e and e xpenses . shall be entitled to a salary of not to exceed $6,000 per annum and his necessary traveling expenses while traveling on official business assigned him by competent authority, together with his actual and reasonabl e expens es for t ransport ation of instrum ents, w hich sha ll be certified and sworn to under such instructions as shall be given by the Secretary of Commerce . "In the case of the absence of any such supervising inspector from Design ation o f actin g his offic ial stat ion, the Secreta ry of Co mmerce m ay desi gnate so me supe rvisin g inspe ctors . officer of the Bur eau of Marine Ins pec tio n and Na vig ati on to perform the duties of such officer during his absence ." SEC . 3 . That there shall be in the field service of the Bureau of Fiel d er ic er avel ing Marine Inspection and Navigation in the Department of Commerce inspectors

number . not to exceed ten principal traveling inspectors to be appointed by the Se cretar y of C ommer ce, th e comp ensat ion of such princi pal excomses nation and traveling inspectors to be fixed by the Secretary of Commerce at not to exceed $5,000 per annum . Each of said principal traveling inspectors shall be entitled to his necessary traveling expenses while traveling on official business . Such principal traveling inspectors Qualifications . shall be sele cted for the ir k nowl edge , sk ill, and pr acti cal expe rien ce in steam and motor power for navigation and shall be competent judges of the character and qualities of such vessels and of all parts of the machinery employed in such navigation . They also shall hav e full k nowledge of the duties i mposed b y law o n licens ed officers and c rews of vesse ls . SEC . 4 . That section 4450 of the Revised Statutes is hereby amended ssu 's 11c- , p •soon : so as to read SEC . 4450 . (a) The Secretary of Commerce shall prescribe rules rin Iecasuanvestigatltiesion of ma - - and regulations for the investigation of marine casualties involving loss of life in order to determine whether any incompetence, miscon- duct, unskillfulness or willful violation of law on the part of any licensed officer, pilot, seaman, employee , owner, or age nt of su ch owner of any vessel involved in such casualty, or any inspector, officer of the Coast Guard, or other officer or employee of the United States, or any other person, caused, or contributed to the cause of such ca sual ty . For the pur po se of inv est iga tin g such a marine Marine casualtre in- vestigation boards ; casualty, the Secretary of Commerce shall appoint a marine casualty personnel, reports, etc . investigation board or boards consisting of a chairman and two other members ; the chairman shall be an officer or employee of the Depart- ment of Justice (learned in maritime laws) designated by the Attorn ey Gen eral ; one member shall be a representative of the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation designated by the See- reta.ry of Commerce ; and the other member shall be an officer of the United States Coast Guard designated by the Secretary of the Treas- ury . All reports shall be made to the Secretary of Commerce and such reports shall be public records and be open to inspection at reasonable times by any persons . Copies of such reports shall be sent to the Attorney General and to the Secretary of the Treasury .