Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1416

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS. 448, 449 . MAY 22, 26, 1936 . 137 1 [CH APTE R 448 .] AN ACT Mare 22 , 1938. Authorizing the erection of a memorial to those who met their death in the [a .R. 10544 .] wre ck of the dir igib le S henan doah .

[Public, No . 614 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Uni ted States of Americ a in Congress assemb led, Tha t the Se cretary d D igible "Shenan- of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to Erection of memorial ere ct near Ava Oh io, on the sot wh ere the Shenandoah fell, a to dead in wreck of, >




authorized. suitable tablet or marker to commemorate the heroic services ren- Location . dered by Commander Landsdowne and other members of the crew who died when the Navy dirigible Shenandoah was destroyed . SEC . 2 . There is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any tho nzed Priat ion a u- money in the Treasury not ° otherwise appropriated, the sum of $2,500 to carry out the provisions of this Act . Approved, May 22, 1936 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in addition Buffalo. N. Y. Right to use certain to the grant made by the Secretary of War to the city of Buffalo land for public pur- pursuant to the Act of Congress entitled "An Act making appropri-

pur- poses, 36, P. 936.• ' at ions for the construction, repair, and p reservation o f certain publ ic works on rivers and harbors and fo r othe r purp oses" , appr oved February 27, 1911, for the purpose of establishing a . public park and landing facilities on that part of the structure known as Bird Island Pier on Niagara River lying north of Albany Street extended, in the city of Buffalo, New York, and forming a part of Black Rock Harbor improvement and the lands of the United States under water on both sides of said pier to the established harbor lines, sub- ject to the terms, conditi ons, and stip ulations in s aid grant spec ified, the Secretary of War is authorized to grant to the city of Buffalo, New York , also t he right and pri vilege o f occupy ing said lands a nd lands under water, and also the lands owned by the United States on the west side of Black Rock Canal, described as follows : Begin- Description. ning at aa point where the northerly line of property formerly owned by Wi lli am H . Slade, or that line extended, intersects the United States Gove rnment prope rty l ine (f ormerl y New York State Blue Line) ; thence easterly parallel to the line forming the northeasterly boundary of land s hereto fore gra nted to the city of Buff alo by t he United States and known as Bird Island Pier until a point is reached in direct prolongation of the easterly boundary line of said last mentioned lands ; thence southwesterly in direct line wi th said . easterly boundary of said lands to the northeasterly corner of said lands heretofore conveyed to the city of Buffalo by the United States ; thence westerly along the northeasterly boundary of said Bird Island Pier lands to said United States Government property line ; thence northeasterly along said last mentioned line to the place of beginning, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for use either by the city of Buffalo or by the Buffalo Sewer Authority (created by chapter 349 of the Laws of the State of New York of 1935) for sewage-dispo sal facilities , on such ter ms, condition s, and stipula tions as he may deem expedient and equitable and necessary for the pro- tection of all the interests of the United States in and to said [CHAPTER 449 .] AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of war to grant to the city of Buffalo, New York, the M[ 43 [s . 4317 .] .1 right and privilege to occupy and use for sewage-disposal facilities part of the [Public, No . 615 .] lands forming the pier and dikes of the Black Rock Harbor improvement at Buffalo, New York .