Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/14

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xvi LIS T OF PUBLIC ACT S AND RESOLUTIONS . Page . Lo uisiana , lands for highways. AN ACT To authorize the transfer of certain lands in Rapi des Pa rish, Louis iana, to the State of Louisi ana f or the purp ose of a State hi gh way across a portion of the Fe de ral property occupied by the Veterans' Ad- ministration facility, Alexandria, Louisiana July 23, 1935--

491 Prison-made p roducts . AN ACT To pr ohi bit the interstate transportation of pr iso n-m ade products in certain cases July 24, 1935__

494 United States courts, Wisconsin districts . AN ACT To amend section 114 of the Judicial Code to provide for terms of District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin to be held at W ausau, Wisc onsin, and other other purposes July 24, 1935-- 495 Wild Rice Lake Indian Reserve, Minn . AN ACT To amend an Act entitled "An Act setting aside Rice Lake and contiguous lands in Minnesota for the exclusive use and benefit of the Chippewa Indians of Minnesota", approved June 23, 1926, and for other purposes July 24,1935__

496 Di str ict of Col umbia, a bandonm ent of railroad su bst at io n . AN ACT To repeal sections 1, 2, and 3 of Public Law Nu mbered 203, Sixtieth Con gress, approv ed February 3, 1909 July 25, 19 35_-

497 Cen tral St atistic al Comm ittee, etc ., e s tabl ish ment . AN ACT To create a Ce nt ral Statistical Committee and a Central Statistical Board, and for other purposes- -July 25, 1935-- 498 Federal Register Act . AN ACT To provi de for the custody of Federal proclama tions, orders, regulations, n otices, and other d ocuments, and for t he prompt and unifo rm print- ing and distribution thereof July 26,1935_-

500 Eagle Pass Military Reservation, Tex ., sale of p ortion . AN ACT To auth orize the Secretary of War to sell to the Eagle Pass and Piedras Negras Bri dge Company a porti on of the Eagle Pass Military Reservation, Texas, and for other purposes July 26, 1935_-

503 Public lands, homestead entries . AN ACT To furt her ex tend the pe riod of time during which final proof may be offered by homestead and desert land entrymen_ _July 26, 1935_ - 504 Ha waiian H omes Comm ission A ct, 1920 , amendments. AN ACT To amen d the Ha waii an Home s Com miss ion Act of 1920 July 26, 1935__ 504 Flood, etc., damages, emergency aid . AN ACT To amend the Act entitled "An Act author- izing the Reconstruction Fin ance Corporation to make loans to nonp rofit corpora- tions for the repair of damages caused by floods or other catastrophes, and for other pur poses" , app roved April 13, 1934 July 26, 1935-_

505 Army and Philippine Scouts, promotion lists . A N ACT To promote the efficiency of na- tional defense July 31,1935-_

505 McNeil Island, etc., Wash ., acquisition of land . AN ACT To authorize the acquisition of land on McNeil Island A ugust 2, 19 35__ 508 Chelan National Forest, Wash ., boundary adjustment . AN ACT To authorize the adjustment of the bo undaries of the Che lan National Forest in the State of Wa shington

August 2,1935__

508 United States courts, California Southern District . AN ACT To provide for the appoi ntment of additional United States judges Aug ust 2, 193 5__

508 Hi nds' Pa rliament ary Pre cedents . AN ACT To amend so much of the First Deficiency Ap- propriation Act, fiscal year 1921, approved March 1, 1921, as relates to the printing and distr ibuti on of a revised edition of Hinds' Parli ament ary Pr ecede nts of the House of Representatives A ugust 2, 19 35__ 509 Am erican Legion, patent r en ew al . AN ACT Granting a renewal of Patent Numbered 54296 rel ating to the badge of The Am erica n Legi on A ugust 2, 19 35__ 510 American Legion Auxiliary, patent renewal. ANACT Granting a re new al of patent numbered 55398 rel ating to the badge of The American Leg ion Auxiliary ---- A ug u s t 2 , 1935__

510 Ordinance of 1787 and Settlement of Northwest Territory . JOINT RESOLUTION To pr o- vide for the observance and celebration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the adoption of the Ordinance of 1787 and the settlement of the Northwest Ter- ritory Au gust 2,1935__

511 Pan American Institute of Geography and History . JOINT RESOLUTION To provide for membership of the United States in the Pan American Institute of Geography and History ; and to authorize the President to extend an invitation for the next general assembly of the Institute to meet in the United States in 1935, and to provide an appropriation for expenses thereof August 2, 1935__

512 Judicial Code amendments, admiralty suits. AN ACT To amend the laws relating to proc- tors' and marshals' fees and bonds and stipulations in suits in admiralty

Au gust 3,1935__

513 Prisons and prisoners, escapes, e tc . AN ACT To amend the Act approved May 14, 1930, entitled "An Act to reorganize the administration of Federal prisons ; to authorize the Attorney General to contract for the care of United States prisoners

to establish

Federal jails ; and for other purposes August 3, 1935__ 513 United States courts, Pennsylvania Eastern District . AN ACT To amend the Act of Jun e 27, 1930 (ch . 634, 46 Stat . 820) August 3, 1935--

514 Anchorage, Alaska, public works . AN ACT To authorize the incorporated ci ty of Anchor- age , Alas ka, t o cons truct a mun icipa l buil ding and pu rchas e and insta ll a m odern telephone exchange, and for such purposes to is sue bonds in any su m not exceeding $75,000 ; and to authorize said city to accept grants of money to aid it in financing any public works A ugust 3, 19 35-_ 514