Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1389

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74TIr C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 405. MAY 15, 1936. Missi and Fisssippi Wild Life Miss issippi Wild Li fe and Fish Ref uge : For co nstruct ion of build - Construction, main- ings, boats, and ponds, for purchase of equipment, including boats, tenance, etc. Vol. 43, p. seo.

for maintenance, operation, repair, and improvements, including U. S. c.,p.690.

expenditures for personal services at the seat of government and elsewhere as may be necessary, as authorized in the Act approved June 7, 1924 (U . S . C., title 16, sees . 721-731), $18,000 . ti ve Fishe ries Marketing Act . Coo

Fisheries Cooperative Marketing Act : To enable the Secretary of Expenses, enforcing, Commerce to execute the functions imposed upon him by the Act et c. Vol.48,p.1213.

entitled "An Act authorizing associations of producers of aquatic u. S. C.,p.571. products", approved June 25, 1934 (48 Stat ., p . 1213), including traveling expenses and contract stenographic reporting services, $12,500, of which not to exceed $9,500 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . Shellfish investiga- lion

Shellfish investigation : To provide for the investigation, control, . and eradication of marine organisms injurious to shellfish in the Atlantic and Gulf State s, including p urchase of equi pment and sup- plies, including boats and floating equipment and the maintenance and operation thereof ; hire and charter of vessels and boats ; pay of o fficer s and crews and oth er per sonal servic es, in cluding tempo rary employees (not exceeding $4,000 in the District of Columbia) as may Printing and bindin g. b e necessary ; printing and binding ; and all other necessary expenses connecte d therewith ; $2 5, 00 0 . Attendance at meet- ings. Not to exceed $750 of the appropriations herein made for the Bureau of Fisheries shall be available for expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the work of said Bureau when incurred on the written authority of the Secretary of Commerce, and not to exce ed $500 shall b e available for the rental of suitable quart ers in the District of Columbia for laboratory and storage purposes . Pa tent Off ice . PA TENT OFF ICE Salaries,C office e- sinner and office per- Salaries : For the Commissioner of Patents and other personal sonne l .

services in the District of Columbia, $3,400,000 : PProvided, That of Z vi" typists. the amount herein appropriated not to xced $25,000 may be used for special and temporary services of typists certified by the Civil Service Commission, who may be employed in such numbers, at $4 per d iem, as may, in the judg ment of the Comm issi oner of Pate nts, be necessary to keep current the work of furnishing manuscript copies of records . Photolithographing . Photolithographing : For producing copies of weekly issue of drawings of patents and designs ; reproduction of copies of draw- ings and specifications of exhausted patents, designs, trade marks, and other papers, such other papers when reproduced for sale to be sold at not less than cost plus 10 per cen tum ; re production of foreign patent drawings ; photo prints of pending application draw- i n gs ; and p hotost at and photog raphic suppli es and dry m ounts, $200,000. Multigraphed head- The headings of the drawings for patented cases may be multi- ing s. graphed in the Patent Office for the purpose of photolithography . Miscellaneous ex- pen ses . Miscellaneous expenses : For purchase and exchange of law, pro- fessional, and other reference books and publications and scientific b oo ks ; expens es of transport ing publicatio ns of patents i ssued by the Patent Office to foreign governments ; directories, furniture and filing cases ; for investigating the question of public use or sale of inventions for two years or more prior to filing applications for pat- ents, an d such other qu estions arisin g in connection with applica- tions for patents and the prior art as may be deemed necessary by the Commissioner of Patents ; for expense attending defense of