Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1367

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1322 De partmen t of Jus. tice. At torn ere Ge nera l, Solicitor General, etc . Contingent expenses . Post, p. 1624. Vehicles . Provisos. R eimbur sement for car expe nses . U . S. Code, Anno- tated, price limitation . Printing and binding . Fed eral Bureau of Inv estig atio n . 74TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 405. MAY 15, 1936 . TITLE II-DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF THE AT TOR NEY GENE RAL Salaries : For the Attorney General, Solicitor General, Assistant to the Attorney General, and other personal services in the District of Columbia ; $1,675,000 . Contingent expenses : For stationery, furniture and repairs, floor coverings not exceeding $1,000, file holders and cases ; miscellaneous expenditures, including telegraphing and telephones, postage, labor, typewriters and adding machines and the exchange thereof and repairs thereto, street-car fares not exceeding $300, newspapers, press clippings, and other necessaries ordered by the Attorney General ; official transportation, including the repair, maintenance, and oper- ation of six motor-driven passenger cars (one for the Attorney G eneral, three f or gener al use of the D epartme nt, two for the Fed- eral Bureau of Investigation for investigative work), delivery truck, and motorcycle, to be used only for official purposes ; purchase, at not to exceed $750 each, including exchange, of three passenger- carrying automobiles ; purchase of law books, books of reference, and periodicals, including the exchange thereof ; traveling and other miscellaneous and emergency expenses, authorized and approved by the Attorney General, to be expended at his discretion, $185,000 : Provided, That this appropriation may be reimbursed for expenditures in connection with cars herein authorized for the B ureau of Invest igation from th e approp riation for the expens es of said Bureau when approved in writing by the Attorney General : Provided fi rt1ier, That not to exceed $2 per volume shall be paid for the current and futur e volumes of the Unite d States Code, Annotated . Printing and binding : For printing and binding for the Depart- ment of Justice and the courts of the United States, $298,000. FEDERAL Buii u OF INVESTIGATION SALARIES AND EXPENSES Detection and prose- Detection and prosecution of crimes : For the detection and prose- cution of crimes . P rote ction of the cution of crimes against the United States ; for the protection of President . Identification rec- the person of the President of the United States ; the acquisition, ords.

collection, classificat ion, and preservation of identification and other records and their exchange with the duly authorized officials of Inve stiga tion s . Matters under con- the Federal Government, of States, cities, and other institutions ; for .

~ trol of Departments of Such other investigations regarding official matters under the con- Ju stice and Stat e .

trol of the Department of Justice and the Department of State as may be directed by the Attorney General, purchase and exchange not to exceed $50,000, and hire, maintenance, upkeep, and operation of moto r-propel led pas senger-c arrying vehicl es, to b e used only on of fi ci al b us in ess ; p urchase and exchange a t not to exceed $7,000 each, and maintenance, upkeep, and operation, of not more than four armored automobiles ; firearms and ammunition ; such stationery, suppl ies, and equipm ent for use at the seat of gov ernment or else - where as the Attorney General may direct ; not to exceed $10,000 for taxicab hire to be used exclusively for the purposes set forth in this paragraph and to be expended under the direction of the Attor- ney General ; traveling expenses, including expenses of attendance at me etings c oncerne d with t he work of such Bureau when au thorize d Rewards for appre- by the Attorney General ; payment of rewards when specifically hendi ng fugitiv es .

authorized by the Attorney General for information leading to the Vehicles. Supplies .