Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1359

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13 14 Contingent expenses, For eign Ser vice . Vehi cles . Government build- ings abroad . Vol . 44,p.403;Vol. 45,p-971. U.S.C.,p.967. Dispatch agencies . Attendance at trade conferences, etc . Vol. 46, p.1209. U.S.C.,p.943. Loss bre exc hange . Language studre. Relief, etc ., Ame rica n seamen . Consular prisons, etc. Care of insane. Bringing ho me per- sons charged with crime. R. S., sec . 5275, p. 1022 . U.S .C.,p.774. Pro viso . Navre reimburse- ment. 74TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 405. MAY 15, 1936. CONTINGENT EXPENSES, FOREIGN SERVICE For stationery ; blanks ; record and other books ; seals ; presses ; flags ; signs ; repairs, including minor alterations ; repairs, preserva- tion, and maintenance of Government-owned diplomatic and consular properties in foreign countries, including water, materials, supplies, tools, seeds, plants, shrubs, and similar objects ; newspapers (foreign and domestic) ; freight ; postage ; telegrams ; advertising ; ice and drinking water for office purposes ; purchase (at not to exceed $750 for any o ne au tomob ile), main tenan ce, a nd hi re of moto r-pro pelle d or h orse- drawn pass enger -carr ying vehic les, and p urcha se, m ainte - nance, and hire of other passenger-carrying vehicles ; funds for establishment and maintenance of commissary service ; uni forms ; furniture, household furniture and furnishings, except as provided by the Act of May 7, 1926, as amended, for Government-owned or rented buildings, when, in the : judgment of the Secretary of State, it would be in the public interest to do so, not to exceed $135,500 ; typewriters and exchange of same ; maintenance and rental of launch for embassy in Turkey, not exceeding $3,500, including personnel for operation

rent and other expe nses for d ispat ch ag encie s at Londo n, Ne w Yor k, San Francisco, Seattle, and New Orleans ; traveling expenses, in- cluding attendance at trade and other conferences or congresses under orders of the Secretary of State as authorized by the Act approved February 23, 1931 (U . S . C ., title 22, sec . 16) ; loss by exchange ; pay- men t in advan ce fo r tel ephon e and othe r sim ilar servi ces, expen ses of vice consulates and consular agencies for any of the foregoing objects ; allowances for special instruction, education, and individual training of Foreign Service officers at home and abroad, not to exceed $10,000 ; cost, not exceeding $500 per annum each, of the tui- tion of Foreign Service officers assigned for the study of the languages of Asia and eastern Europe ; for relief, protection, and burial of American seamen in forei gn countries, in the Panama Canal Zone, and in the Philippine Islands, and shipwrecked Amer ican seame n in the Territor y of Alas ka, in th e Hawaii an Islands, in Puerto Rico, and in the Virgin Islands, and for expenses which may be incurred in the acknowledgment of the services of masters and crews of foreign vessels in rescuing American seamen or citizens from ship wreck or o ther catas troph e at sea ; for expen ses o f mai n- taining in China, the former Ottoman Empire, Egypt, Ethio pia, Morocco, and Muscat institutions for incarcerating American con- victs and persons declared insane by any consular court, rent of quar- ters for prisons, ice and drinking water for prison purposes, and for the expenses of keeping, feeding, and transportation of prisoners and persons declared insane by any consular court in China., the former Ottoman Empire, Egypt, Ethiopia, Morocco, and Muscat ; for every expenditure requisite for or incident to the bringing home, from foreign countries of persons charged with crime as authorized by section 5275 of the Revised Statutes (U. S . C ., title 18, sec . 659) ; and such other miscellaneous expenses as the President may deem necessary ; $1,067,400 : Provided, That this appropriation shall be ava ilabl e for reim burse ment of ap propr iatio ns fo r the Navy Depa rt- ment, in amounts determined by the Secretary of the Navy, for materials, supplies, equipment, and services furnished by the Navy Department, including pay, subsist ence, allowances, and transporta- tion of enlisted men of the Navy and Marine Corps who may be assigned by the Secretary of the Navy, upon request of the Secretary of State, to embassies, legations, or consular offices of the United States l ocated in foreign co untries .