Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1354

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS. 404, 405. MAY 15, 1936.

13 09 Canal from services rendered or materials and supplies furnished to the United States, the Panama Railroad Company, the Canal Zone go vernment , or to their e mployee s, respe ctively , or to the Pan ama Government, from hotel and hospital supplies and services ; from rentals, wharfage, and like service ; from labor, materials, and sup- plies and other services furnished to vessels other than those passing through the canal, and to others unable to obtain the same elsewhere ; from the sale of scrap and other byproducts of manufacturing and shop operations ; from the sale of obsolete and unserviceable mate- rials, supplies, and equipment purchased or acquired for the opera- tion, maintenance, protection, sanitation, and government of the Canal and Canal Zone ; and any net profits accruing from such busi- ness to the Panama Canal shall annually be covered into the Treasury of the United States . In addition there is appropriated for the operation, maintenance, and extension of waterworks, sewers, and pavements in the cities of Panama and Colon, during the fiscal year 1937, the necessary por- tions of such sums as shall be p aid as water rentals or d irectly by the Government of Panama for such expenses . SEC . 2 . No part of any money appropriated by this Act shall be used for maintaining, driving, or operating any Government-owned motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle assigned for the exclusive use of persons other than the Secretary of War and medical officers on out-patient medical service . SEC . 3 . No part of any appropriation made by this Act shall be used in any way to pay any expense in connection with the conduct, op eration, or man agement of any post exc hange, branch e xchange , or subexchange within any State, Territory, or the District of Columbia, save and except for real assistance and convenience to military per- sonnel and civilians employed or serving at military posts and to retired enlisted naval personnel in supplying them with articles of ordinary use, wear, and consumption not furnished by the Govern- ment : Provided, That the commanding officer of the post at which any such exchange is situated shall certify on the monthly report of the post exchange council that such exchange was, during the period covered by such report, operated in compliance with this section . Approved, May 15, 1936 . water, sewers, pave . ments, etc. Panama and Colon. Priva te use of Gov - ernment vehicles . Post exchanges, re- striction . Exception . Proviso . Report required . [C HAPTER 405 .] AN ACT May 15, 1936 . Making appropriations for the Departments of State and Justice and for the [H . R . 12098.1 Judiciary, and for the Departments of Commerce and Labor, for the fiscal [Public, No.599.] yea r ending June 30, 1 937, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That th e follo wing Appropriations for sums are appro riated out of any money in the Treasury not other- an d Jus tice, Departments he J uddi p



th J wise appropriated, for the Departments of State and Justice and ciarre, and Dep ar t- for the Judiciary, and for the Departments of Commerce and Labor nd L ab°r, fiscal r for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1937, namely :


Department of State . OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE Salaries : For Secretary of State ; Under Secretary of State, r eS reta~nd o fUnder fi ce See - $10,000 ; and other personal services in the District of Columbia, sonnel . including temporary employees, and not to exceed $6 .500 for em- Temp Post,

. p. r6ar ore and ployees en aged on piece work at rates to be fixed by the Secretary piecework emploreees . of State ; 1,954,240, of which amount not to exceed $159,00 0 ma y Expenditure without be expended by the Secretary of State without regard to civil- r egard to c ivil servi ce service laws and regulations or the Classification Act of 1923, as US S.C ., pp ana

. 81, 85. . .