Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1316

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS . 384-386 . MAY 13,1936 .

127 1 [CHA PTER 384 .] AN ACT May 13, 1936. To a utho rize the Secr etar y of War to acquire by donation land at or near New- [S . 3737.1 burgh, in Orange County, New York, for aviation field, military, or other [Public, No . 581.] public purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Th at th e Sec retar y of War be, and he is hereby, authorized to acquire by donation approx imate ly tw o hun dred and thirt y-six acre s of land at or near Newburgh, in Orange County, New York, for aviation field, mili- tary, or other public purposes : Provided, That in the event the donor is unable to perfect title to any land tendered as a donation, condemnation of such land is authorized in the name of the United States, and payment of any and all awards for title to such land as is conde mned, toge ther with the cost of su it, s hall be ma de by the donor. Approved, May 13, 1936 . [CHAPTER 385 .] AN ACT To provide for terms of the United States District Court for the Middle District of P ennsylvan ia to be held at W ilkes-Barr e, Pennsy lvania . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Unit ed St ates of Am erica in C ongre ss as sembl ed, That terms of the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsyl- vania shall be held at Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, on the second Monday of April and second Monday of September of each year Provided, however, That all writs, precepts, and processes shall be returnable to the terms at Scranton and all court papers shall be kept in the clerk's office at Scranton unless otherwise specially ordered by the court, and the terms at Scranton shall not be terminated or affected by the terms herein provided for at Wilkes-Barre : Provided further, That this authority shall continue only during such time as suitabl e accommo dations for holdi ng court at Wilke s-Barre a re furnished free of expense to the United States . Approved, May 13, 1936 . Newburgh, N. Y. Acqu isit ion bre dons . tion of certain land for public purposes, au- thorized . Prov iso . Condemnation au. thorized. May 13, 1936. [H. R . 11098.] [Public, No. 582 .] Pennsrelvania M id- dle J udicial District . Terms of District Court at Wilkes-Barre . Provisos. Writs, etc ., return- able to terms at Scran- ton . Court accommoda- tions at Wilkes-Barre . [CHAPTER 386 .] AN ACT Mare 13, 1936 . To pro vide for the estab lishment of a term of the District Court of the United [11 . R. 11994 .j States for the Western District of Oklahoma at Shawnee, Oklahoma .

[Public, No.583 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Th at a term of th e J ud ic ia l Ok lah oma t~Western District Court of the United States for the Western District of Term of court at Oklahoma shall be held annually at Shawnee, Okl ahoma, on the first Shawnee . Monday in October : Provided, That suitable rooms and accommo- Proviso- Court a°eommoaa dations for holding court at Shawnee are furnis hed without expense Lions . to the United States . Approved, May 13, 1936 .