Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1309

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS. 333--336 . MAY 6, 1936 . Pr ovis os.

$3,500 000 : Provided That upon th e authorizatio n of the Secret s Experiments for pri .

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of the Navy experiments may be made at this establishment for private parties, who shall defray the cost thereof under such regu- lations as the Secretary of the Navy may from time to time pre- Results of, regarded scribe : Provided further, That the result s of such priva te experi- as confidential. ment shall be regarded as confidential and shall not be divulged s without the consent of such private parties, except that the right is reserved to the Secretary of the Navy to use data so obtained for governmental purposes, subject to the patent laws of the United States. Approved, May 6, 1936 . Exce ption . AN ACT Mare 6, 1936 . [H. R. 10487.1 To authorize a survey of Lowell Creek, Alaska, to determine what, if any, modi- [Public, No. 569.1

fication should be made in the existing project for the control of its floods. Be it en acted by the Se nate and House o f Representa tives o f th e United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized and directed to cause a survey to be made of Lowell Creek, Alaska to determine what, if any, modification should be made in the existing project for the control of its floods, the cost of such survey to be paid from appropriations heretofore or hereafter made for flood control of Lowell Creek . Approved, May 6, 1936 . Lowell

Creek, Alaska . Survey direc ted for controlling floods of. AN ACT To authorize a preliminary examination of the San Diego River and its tribu- taries in the State of California, with a view to the control of its floods . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the San Diego River, United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Calif . Survere directed for of War is hereby authorized and directed to cause a preliminary controlling floods of . exam ination to be m ade of the San Diego River an d its tributari es in the State of California, with a view to the control of its floods, in accordance with the provisions of section 3 of an Act entitled "An Act to provide for control of the floods of the Mississippi River and of the Sacramento River, California, and for other purposes", approved March 1, 1917, the co st thereof to b e paid from ap propri- ations heretofo re or hereafter made for exami nations, surve ys, and contingencies of rivers and harbors . Approved, May 6, 1936 . May 6, 1936 . [H. R . 10583.1 [Public, No. 570.1 Vol.39,p.950. U.S.C.,p. 1487. Mare 6, 1936. [H. R. 10985.1 [Public, No. 571.1 Newark, N. J. Act providing for sale of pub lic buil ding sit e at, repealed . Vol. 47, p. 558. [CHAPTER 334 .1 [CHAPTER 335 .1 [CHAPTER 336 .1 AN ACT To repeal Public Law Numbered 246 of the Seventy-second Congress . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That Public Law Numbered 246 of the Seventy-second Congress, entitled "An Act to provide for the sale of a portion of the site of the post-office and customhouse bui lding in Newark, New Jersey, t o the city of Newark for the use of a public street", be, and is hereby, repealed . Approved, May 6, 1936 .