Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1275

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1230 Indexes , Co ngre s- sional Record . Federal Register, printing g and distribu- ti on Ante, p.500. Proviso . Working capital, re- turn of portion as un- expended balance . Congressional work. Payment for work ordered by depart- ment s, etc . Proviso . Adjustments of ac- count s. S ums p aid for wo rk to be credited to work- ing capital . Esti mates for depart - ments, etc ., to be in- corporated sn a single item . Proviso . Engraving and Print- ing Bureau excepted . Restriction on pay- ing d etaile d emplo yees . 74rx CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 233. APRIL 17, 1936. of Columbia or elsewhere (not exceeding $1,000) ; for salaries and expenses of preparing the semimonthly and session indexes of the Congressional Record under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing (chief indexer at $3,480, one cataloguer at $3,180, two cataloguers at $2,460 each, and one cataloguer at $2,100) ; for the printing and distribution of the Federal Register in accordance with the provisions of the Act approved July 26, 1935 ; and for all the necessary labor, paper, materials, and equipment needed in the prosecution and delivery and mailing of the work ; in all, $3,850,- 000 ; to which sum shall be charged the printing and binding author- ized to be done for Congress i ncluding supple mental and def iciency estim ates of appr opri atio ns, the prin ting and dis trib utio n of the Federal Register (not exceeding $150,000), the printing and binding for use of the Government Printing Office, and printing and binding (not exceeding $2,000) for official use of the Architect of the Capitol upon requisition of the Secretary of the Senate, in all to an amount not exceeding $2,850,000 : Provided, That not less than $1,000,000 of such working capital shall be returned to the Treasury as an unexpended balance not later than six months after the close of the fiscal year 1937 . Printing and binding for Congress chargeable to the foregoing appropriation, when recommended to be done by the Committee on Printing of either House, shall be so recommended in a report containing an approximate estimate of the cost thereof, together with a statement from the Public Printer of estimated approximate cost of work previously or dered by Congre ss within the f iscal year for which this appropriation is made . During the fiscal year 1937 any executive department or inde- pende nt esta blishm ent of the Go vernme nt ord ering p rintin g and binding from the Government Printing Office shall pay promptly by check to the Public Pri nter upon his w ritten request, either in advance or upon completion of the work, all or part of the estimated or actual cost thereof, as the case may be, and bills rendered by the Public Printer in accordance herewith shall not be subject to audit or certification in advance of payment : Provided, That proper adjustments on the basis of th e actual cost o f delivered wo rk paid for in advance shall be made monthly or quarterly and as may be agreed upon by the Public Prin ter and the dep artment or est ablish- ment concerned . All sums paid to the Public Printer for work that he is authorized by law to do shall be deposited to the credit, on the books of the Treasury Department, of the appropriation made for the working capital of the Government Printing Office, for the year in which the work is done, and be subject to requisition by the Public Print er . All amounts in the Budget for the fiscal year 1938 for printing and binding for any department or establishment, so far as the Bureau of the Budget may deem practicable, shall be incorporated in a single item for printing and binding for such department or establishment and be eliminated as a part of any estimate for any other purpose . And if any amounts for printing and binding are included as a part of any estimates for any other purposes, such amounts shall be set forth in detail in a note immediately following the general estimate for p rinting and bin ding : Pro vid ed, That the foregoing requirements shall not apply to work to be executed at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing . No part of any money appropriated in this Act shall be paid to any person employed in the Government Printing Office while detailed for or performing service in the executive branch of the