Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1259

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS . 230, 232, 233 . APRIL 1 6,17,19 36 . court ; and, except as provided in the six succeeding sections, nor civil suit shall be brought in any district court against any person by any original process or proceeding in any other district than that whereof he is an inhabitant ; but where the jurisdiction is founded only on the fact that the action is between citizens of different States, suit shall be brought only in the district of the . residence of either the plaintiff or the defendant ; except that suit by a stockholder on behalf of a corporation may be brought in any district in which suit against the defendant or defendants in . said stockholders' action, other than said corporation, might have been brought by such corporation and process in such cases may be served upon such corporation in any district wherein such cor- poration resides or may be found . Approved, April 16, 1936 . Suit by stockholder on behalf of corpora- tion . [CHAPTER 232 .1 AN ACT Authorizing the President to present the Distinguished Service Medal to Com- mander Percy Todd, British Navy, and the Navy Cross to Lieutenant Com- mander Charles A . deW . Kitcat, British Navy . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Distinguished S erv- ice Medal .

United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the President . Presentation of , to is authorized to present the Distinguished Service Medal to Com- British Navy y Todd, mander Percy Todd, British Navy, and the Navy Cross to Lieu- Na vy C roa of,to tenant Commander Charles A . deW . Kitcat, British Navy, in recog- Lt. Comdr. Charles A , nition of the skill and heroism displayed by these officers when the ve Y Kitcat, British U nited States ship Fult on en route from Hong Kong, British C rown co lony, to Foocho w, Chin a, on Ma rch 14, 1934, w as dest royed by fire . Approved, April 17, 1936 . April 17, 1936 .

[H. R. 11053.] [Public, No . 523 .1 [CHAP TER 233 .] AN ACT Making appropriations for the Legislative Branch of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1937, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the following 1937 .

sums are app ropriat ed, out of any money in the Tr easury n ot othe r- wise appropriated, for the Legislative Branch of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1937, namely April 17, 1936. [H. R. 11691.1 [Public, No . 524.] Senate. Senators. Compensation . Mileage . Officers, clerks, mes- sengers, etc. Vice President's of- flee. Secreta ry to, and clerks . Chaplain. Chaplain of the Senate, $1,680 . SE NATE SALARIES AND MILEAGE OF SENATORS For c ompensat ion of Senators , $960, 000 . For mileage of the President of the Senate $51,000 . For compensation of officers, clerks, messengers, and others OFFICE OF THE VIC E PRESIDENT Salaries : Secretary to the Vice President, $4,620 ; clerk, $2,400 ; assistant clerks-one $2,280, one $2,160 ; in all, $11,460 . CHAPLAIN and of Senators,