Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1093

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10 48

74TH CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 831 . AUGUST 30, 1935. Preliminary sur- v eys- Cont inue d . Tanana River an d Chena Slough, A laska . Hilo Harbor, Hawaii . Port A llen, Haw aii . Welles Harbor, Midway Island . Wake Island . Aguadilla Harbor, Puerto Rico . Guayan es Harbor , Yabuco a, Puerto Rico . Saint Thomas Harbor, Virgin Islands . Hudson L ake cRfii ver in water- to SEC. 4. That the International Joint Commission created by the way

treaty between the United States and Great Britain relating to bound- Po st, p. 1631 .

ary waters between the United States and Canada, signed at Wash- Vol. 36, p . 2448 . ington January 11, 1909, under the provisions of article 9 of said treaty, is requested to investigate the advisability of the improve- ment of a waterway from Montreal thro ugh Lake Champlain to connect with the Hudson River, together with the estimated cost thereof, and to report to the Dominion of Canada and to the Con- gress of the United States, with its recommendations for cooperation by the United States with the Dominion of Canada in the improve- ment of said river . Re ports ; content s . SEC . 5 . Every report submitted to Congress in pursuance of any provision of law for preliminary examination and survey looking to the improvement of the entrance at the mouth of any river or at any inlet, in addition to other information which the Congress has directed shall be given, shall contain information concerning the configuration of the shore line and the probable effect thereon that may be expected to result from the improvement having particular reference to erosion and/or accretion for a distance of not less than ten miles on either side of the said entrance. Vol . 44, p. 1010. SEC . 6. That the surveys authorized pursuant to section 1 of the River and Harbor Act of January 21, 1927, and Rouse Document Numbered 308, Sixty-ninth Congress, first session, shall be s upple- mented by such additional study or investigation as the Chief of Engineers finds necessary to take into account important changes in e conom ic fa ctors as t hey o ccur, and addit ional stre am-fl ow re c- ords, or other factual data . Sal es a uthor ized . SEC. 7. That when any land which has been heretofore or may be hereafter purchased or acquired for the improvement of canals, rivers and harbors is no longer needed, or is no longer serviceable, it may be sold in such manner as the Secretary of War may direct, and any moneys received from such sale shall be deposited in the Treasury to the credit of miscellaneous receipts . Amounts col lected SEC. 8. That any amounts collected from defaulting contractors f rom defaulting con- tr actors , etc . or their sureties under contracts entered into in connection with river and harbor or flood-control work prosecuted by the Engineer Dep artme nt, w hethe r col lecte d in cash or by dedu ction from amou nts otherwise due such contractors, he reafter shall be credited in each case to the appropriation under which the contract was made . East River; port ion

SEC. 9 . That all of that portion of the East River, in the count declared nonnavigable .

y of Brown, State of Wisconsin, extending from Baird Street, in the cit y of Green Bay, east and south, be, and the same is hereby, declared to be a nonnavigable stream within the meaning of the Constitution and Laws of the United States of America . That the right of Con- gress to alter, amend, or repeal this section is hereby expressly reserved . west Fork of the SEC . 10 . That that portion of the West Fork of the South Branch Chicago Riv eh of the of the Chicago River in Cook County, Illinois, lying between the west line (produced north) of the Collateral Channel of the Sanitary District of Chicago, in the northwest quarter of section 36, township 39 north, range 13 east, third principal meridian, and a line one