Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1076

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74 TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 831 . AUGUST 30, 1935 . Barnegat Inlet, New Jersey ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 19, Seventy-third Congress ; Maurice River, New Jersey ; House Document Numbered 275, Seven ty-thi rd Co ngress ; Delaware Bay Harbor of Refuge, Broadkill River, and Inland Waterway between Rehoboth Bay and Delaware Bay, Delaware ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 56, Seventy- fourt h Cong ress ; Oce an City Har bor and Inl et, and Sin epux ent Bay, Ma ryla nd ; Riv ers and Har bors Com mit tee Docu ment s N umbe red 38, Seve nty - second Congress, and 60, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Upper Thoroughfare, Deals Island, Maryland ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 37, Seventy-second Congress

Twitch Cove and Big Thoroughfare River, Maryland ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 67, Seventy-fourth Con- gress ; Knapps Narrows, Maryland ; House Document Numbered 308, Seven ty-sec ond C ongres s ; Annapolis Harbor, Maryland ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 23, Seventy-third Congress ; Pocomoke River, Maryland ; House Document Numbered 227, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Parish Creek, Maryland ; House Document Numbered 185, Sev- enty- second Cong ress ; Honga River and Tar Bay (Barren Island Gaps), Maryland ; Ri vers and Har bors Documen t Numbered 3 5, Seventy- fourth Con- gress ; Tangier Channel, Virginia ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Docu- ment Numbered 51, Seventy-second Congress ; Starlings Creek, Virginia ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Docu- ment Numbered 46, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Washington Harbor ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 22, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Potomac River, north side of Washington Channel, District of C olum bia .

Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 13,

Seventy-third Congress : Provided, That the work recommended in the said document shall be prosecuted in accordance with the recom- mendations of the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Ha rbors , except that the District of Columbia shall be required to contribute the sum of $389,000 to the cost of the improvement ; Horn Harbor, Virginia ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 22, Seventy-third Congress ; Nomini Bay and Creek, Virginia ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Nu mbered 30, S eventy-seco nd Congress ; Mill Creek, Virginia ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 20, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Totuskey Creek, Virginia ; House Document Numbered 183, Sev- enty- second Cong ress ; Mattaponi River, Virginia ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Docu- ment Numbered 47, Seventy-third Congress ; Channel connecting York River, Virginia, w ith Back Cre ek at Slaight's `Wharf

Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Num-

bered 6, Seventy-fourth Congress ; Jackson Creek, Virginia

Rivers and H arbors Commi ttee Docu-

ment Numbered 41, Seventy-third Congress ; Little Wicomico River, Virginia ; Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 24, Seventy-fourth Congress ; No rfo lk Ha rbo r, Vir gi nia ; Hous e Document N umbered 182 , Sev- enty-third Congress ; 1031 Projects-Contd.