Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1036

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS . 815, 816, 82 .4. AUGUST 29, 30, 1935 . 991 enacted after the date of enactment of this joint resolution, requring' the observance of minimum wages, maximum hours, or limitations as to age of employees in the performance of contracts with agencies of the United State s . I n su ch c ases the comp ensat ion prov ided for pesuch° tol c in the contract shall be reduced from that stated in the bid by the contract . amount that the contracting officer, subject to the approval of the Comptroller General, shall find the cost of performing the contract is reduced solely by reason of the contractor not complying with the pr ovisions of such code or codes or related requireme nts; an d t he oflnperfo when cos t rmance in- compensation for the performance of the contract shall be increased creas ed by reason of compliance wi th sub- fr om that fixed in the contract by t he amount that th e contracting sequent Acts of Co n- officer, subject to the approval of the Comptroller General, shall find g m • the cost of performing the contract has been increased solely by reason of compliance with such subsequent Acts of Congress, if any, relating to the performance of contracts with agencies of the United States . Approved, August 29, 1935 . [CHAPT ER 816.] JOINT RESO LUTIO N To extend the ti me within which contracts may be modified or canceled under the provisions of section 5 of the Independent Offices Appropriation Ac t, 1934 . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That sectio n 5 of the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1934, as amended, be amended by striking out " October 31, 193 5 " and inserting in lieu thereof " March 31, 1936 " : Provided, That the righ t of the Unit ed St ates to annul any fraudulent or il legal contract or to institute suit to recover sums paid thereo n is in no manner affected by this joint resolution . Approved, August 29, 1935 . August 29, 1935 . (S. J. Res . 175 .] [Pub. Res., No.66.] Ocean mail, postal ser vi ce . T ime for modifica- ti on of contracts, ex- tended . Vol. 48, p. 305; U. S. C., p . 1806. Ante, p. 161 . Frau dulent or illegal cont racts . [CHAPTER 824 .1 AN ACT August 30, 1935 . To stabilize the bituminous coal-mining industry and promote its interstate com- [u .R . 9100.1 merce; to provide for cooperative marketing of bituminous coal; to levy a tax [Public, No . 402.1 on bituminous co al and pr ov ide for a drawback under cer ta in conditions; to declare the production, distribution, and use of bituminous coal to be affected with a national public interest; to conserve the bituminous coal resources of the U nited State s; to provide for the general welfare, and for other purposes; and providing penalties . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That it is hereby recognized and declared that the mining of bitumi nous coal and its distribution by the producers th ereof in and thro ughout the United States are affected with a national public interest; that the service of bituminous coal in relation to the industrial activities, the trans- portation facilities, the health and comfort of the people of the United States; the conservation of bituminous coal deposits in the United States by controlled production and economical mining and marketing; the maintenance of just and rational relations between the public, owners, producers, and employees; the right of the public to constant and ample supplies of coal at reasonable prices; and the general welfare of the Nation require that the bituminous coal industry be regulated as herein provided . 1 So in original . Bituminous Coal Conservation Act of 1935 . Decl aration of neces- sity for regulation of bituminous coal indus- try .