Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/645

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Taxation or Firearms, etc., correction in enrollment of bill concerning_ - _ - - - -- Texarkana and Fort Smith Railway Co., etc., emergency board created to in- vestigate, etc., dispute between, and employees_______________________ _ Texas &: New Orleans Railroad Company, creation of emergency board in dis- pute of, with employees___________ _ Taylor, Harden F., claim Bettlement _____ _ Taylor, Katherine G., paymentto_______ _ Taylor, Lieut. H . W ., reimbursement oL __ Teets, Pierre E., reimbursement of_- ___ _ _ Texas Centennial, appointment of com- mittee to consider Federal participa- tion ___________________________ ._ Thanksgiving Day Proclamation________ _ Thompson, Augustus, paymentto_______ _ Thompson, U1drlc, Jr., claim referred to Court of Claims____________ - - - - - - - Thurston, Kathryn, payment to________ _ Tlburzio, Primo, payment to________ : .. __ .: . Tidwell, Chambliss L., disability claim to be considered ________________ - - - -- Tinley, OIiTer B., claim settlement. ____ _ _ Tippit, J. A ., claim adjustment_________ _ Titus, Nancy, payment to _____________ _ Toenberg, Marie, credit in postal ac- counts__________________________ _ Toles, John, claim adjustment of. ____ _ _ Toline, Mrs. C . A ., payment to legal bene- ficiaries, etc., oL _________________ _ Tonnage Dues, suspension of, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics_________ _ Trammell, Elizabeth Millicent, payment to______________________________ _ Treasury Department, Public Health Serv- ice, settlement of claims for adver- tising services ___________________ _ Treaties and Conventions. See also Ex- cutive Agreements. Canal Zone, transit of alcoholic liquors through, modification of former convention with Panama________ _ Claims, Panama ___________________ _ Cuba, relations with________________ _ Friendship, commerce, and consular rights- Treaty with Poland concerning ____ _ Agreement, proof of origin of im- ported merchandise ________ _ Declaration by which Free City of Danzig becomes contracting party_____________________ _ Narcotic drugs, multilateral conven- tion __________________________ _ 86637°-34-PT 2~O INDEX. Page. 1481 1696 1702 1343 1332 139~ 1398 1481 1717 ~332 1463 1363 1317 1318 1304 1467 1385 1366 1467 1465 1729 1436 1359 1488 1485 1682 1507 1535 1680 1543 Treaties and Conventions-Continued. Postal agreements- Denmark, collect-on-delivery ______ _ Hellenic Republic, parcel post_____ _ New Zealand, parcel post ____ - - ___ _ Rio Grande, rectification of, Mexico __ _ Troast, N. Lester, payment to _________ _ Trotter, J. B ., reimbursement of. _____ _ _ Turner, Robert, payment to ___________ _ Twenty-Irst Amendment to Constitution, certificate of adoption _______ - - ___ - Twiehel, M. M ., payment to __________ _ U Union or South Africa: Agreements with, on- Air navigation ___________________ _ Pilot licenses to operate civil aircraft_ Union or Soviet Socialist Republics, sus- pension of tonnage dues___________ _ United States Roanoke Colony Commis- sion, time for report extended_____ _ v Valerio, Joseph, payment to ___________ _ Vassllladls, Stelio, reimbursement of ___ _ VauJe, Marllt, payment to____________ _ Velvets, etc., decrease duty on_________ _ Ventress, Charles G., payment to______ _ Verllade, Josepit, payment to _________ _ Vernon, W. N., claim adjustment_______ _ Virgin Islands, extending time for estab- lishing shipping service ___________ _ Voiles, Eula K., payment to___________ _ Voiles, Ruby F., payment to___________ _ Von Bruning, Marlon, payment to _____ _ Von Struve, Margoth Olsen, payment to_ W "W. I. RadelUre", steamship, names of owners changed in collision damage suit ____________________________ _ W. P . Fuller &: Co., claim adjustment___ _ Wakeman, W. S., payment to_________ _ Wakicunzewin (Indian), payment to heirs of______________________________ _ Walker, J. B ., judgment settlement____ _ Walker, Ralph LaVern, payment to guardian ot. _____ ________________ _ Wallace, James, military record corrected_ Waller, Leroy T., tax refund___________ _ Walsh, John E., Jr., refund of excess duties __________________________ _ Waiters, James W., credit in accounts of_ Walther, George Charles, monthly pay- ments to________________________ _ xiii Pace. 1671 159. 1491 1621 1391 1356 1357 1749 1391 1828 1837 1729 1473 1364 1371 1440 1700 1417 1414 1467 1703 1372 1372 1391 1465 1324 1441 1323 1454 14S6 1426 1312 1415 1430 1442 1347