Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/954

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73d CONGRESS . SESS . II. CHS. 443, 444. JUNE 11, 1934 . [CHAPTER 443 .] Ju ice 11, 19 34.


[H.R . 53341 To amend the third clause of section 14 of the Act of March 3, 1879 (20 Stat . 359 ; [Public, No . 302.]

U.S.C., title 39, sec. 226). Be it enacte d by the Sena te and House of Representat ives of the Unite d States of America in Congress assembled, That the third clause of section 14, Act of March 3, 1879 (20 Stat . 359 ; U .S .C., title 39 , s ec . 226), is hereby ame nded by the a ddition of th e following sentence : " Provided, That publications produced by the stencil, mimeograph, or hectograph process or in imitation of typewriting shall not be regarded as printed within'the meaning of this clause ." Approved, June 11, 1934 . Second-class mail, Postal Service . Vol



3 .39; U.S.C.,p.1249. Mimeograph, etc., productions not regard- ed as printed. [CHAPTER 444 .] AN ACT June 11, 1934 .

[H .R. 9180.] Relating to the incorporation of Columbus University of Washington, District of [Public, No . 303.] Columbia, organized under and by virtue of a certificate of incorporation pursuant to the incorporation laws of the District of Columbia as provided in subchapter 1 of chapter 18 of the Code of Laws of the District of Columbia . Be it enacted by t he Senate and House of Repr esentatives o f the District of Columbia . United States of America in Congress assembled, That the incorpo- ty~ncopoat on` vers'- ration of the Columbus University of Washington, District of Columbia under chapter 18 of thee of Laws of the District of ,

Cod Colum bia, b e, and the same i s here by, ap prove d and confir med, except as here in spec ifical ly alte red . SEC . 2 . The number of trustees for the management of said cor- poration shall be not more than fourteen and not less than twelve and at least two of whom shall be members of each existing council of the Knights of Columbus, each of whom shall be a me mber of the District of Columbia branch of the fraternal organization known and designated as the "Knights of Columbus " ; that J . Fred Brady, John E . Burns, W . Francis Delaney, John P . Dunn, William G . Feely, G . E . Herring, George e~ F . Howell, Harold Francis Jones, William E . Leahy, James P . cKeon, Walter I . Plant, T . J. Quirk, and M . J . Willcoxon shall constitute the original board of trustees under this Act ; that the board of trustees shall elect, from among themselves, one member to be president, one member to be vice president, one member to be treasurer, and one member to be secretary of said corporation ; that the board of trustees shall elect, from among themse lves, one m ember to be chairm an, o ne mem ber to be vice c hairma n, and one member to be secre tary of the board of trustees ; that at the first meeting of the board subsequent to the pas- sage of this Act the trustees shall be divided into three classes, the members of the first class to serve for a period of three years, the members of the second class to serve for a period of four years, and the members of the third class, which c lass shall in clude the president, vice president ., treasurer, and secretary of the corporation, to serve for a period of five years ; that the said trustee shall serve for the periods mentioned and/or until their successors are desig- nated, the power and designation being in the board of trustees ; that the number of professorships which may be established by said corporation shall be left to the discretion of the board of trustees who shall have the power to establish ordinances and bylaws for the conduct of the business of the corporation, or to alter, repeal, and amend the same, and also power to frame laws and regulations to gov ern the facul ty and studen ts in all depa rtments there of and to Tr ustees , etc .