Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/897

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 389. J UNE 4, 1934 .

871 DISTRI CT TRAI NING S CHOOL INDUSTRIAL HOME SCHOOL Salari es : For per sonal se rvices, $21,780 ; temporary labor, $450 ; in all, $22,230 . For maintenance, including care of horses, purchase and care of wagon and harness, maint enance of n onpas senge r-carr ying motor vehicle, $20,500 . For repairs and improvement to buildings and grounds, $2,500 . HOME FOR AGED AND INFIRM Dis trict Tra ining School . Fo r pers onal servi ces, i nclud ing n ot to exceed $1,000 for tem- porary labor, $81,486 . For ma inte nanc e and ot her nece ssar y ex pens es, incl udin g the maintenance of nonpassenger-carrying motor vehicles, the purchase and maintenance of horses and wagons, farm machinery and imple- ments, and not to exceed $200 for the purchase of books, books of reference, and periodicals, $80,000 . For re pai rs and improvements to buildings and gro un ds, $5,000 . For purchase and exchange of one two-ton motor truck, $1,000 . INDUSTRIAL HOME SCHOOL FOR COLORED CHILDREN Industr ial Home School for Colored Chil . dren . Salari es : For per sonal se rvices, $30,575 ; temporary labor, $425 ; Personal services. i n all, $31,000. For ma inte nanc e, i nclu ding pur chas e and ma inte nanc e of far m Ma intena nce, e tc . i mpleme nts, horse s, wag ons, and h arness , and main tenanc e of non- passenger-carrying motor vehicles, and not to exceed $1,250 for manual-training equipment and materials, $25,000 . For re pai rs and improvements to buildings and gro un ds, $2,000 . Repairs, etc . Personal services . Ma intena nce, e tc . Repairs, etc . Motor truck . Industr ial Home Schoo l . Pe rsona l ser vices . Maintenance . Repairs, etc . Home for Aged and In firm . Salari es : For personal services, $53,100, temporary labor, $1,800 ; Personal services. in all, $54, 900 . For provisions, fuel, forage, harness, and vehicles and repairs contingent expenses . to same, ice, shoes, clothing, dry goods, tailoring, drugs and medical supplies, furniture and bedding, kitchen utensils, and other neces- sary items, and maintenance of no npa sse nge r-c arr ying mo tor vehicles, $67,500 . For re pair s and im prov emen ts to bu ildi ngs and grou nds, suc h Repairs, etc . ; day work to be perfo rmed b y day labor or otherwise in the discr etion labor. of the Commissioners, $4,500 . For the purchase and exc ha nge of station wagon-truck, $750 .

Truck. MUNICIPAL LODGING HOUSE AND WOOD YARD For personal services, $3,240 ; maintenance, $4,000 ; in all, $7,240 . Mu nicipal l odging hou se. EMERGENCY RELIEF For the purpose of affording relief to residents of the District Emergency relief . of Columbia who are unemployed or otherwise in distress because of the exis ting emerge ncy, to be expen ded b y the Board of P ublic Welfare of the District of Columbia by employment and/or direct relief, in the discretion of the Board of Commissioners and under rules and regulations to be prescribed by the board and without w holl y from District regard to the provisions of any other law, payable from the revenues revenues. of the District of Columbia, $2,000,000, to be immediately available .