Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/880

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854 Provisos. One half cost borne by railroad company . Wooden structure to be removed ; road closed . Disbur sement s, etc . Proviso. Asses sment s unde r existi ng law . Assessment and per- mit work . Opening street s, etc . , permanent highway system. Vol . 37, p. 950. e Indefinite appropria- tion for, from District revenues. Provisos . Alley improvements, building lines, etc . Maximum expendi- ture. Changi ng si dewal k widths, etc . Open competition for street repair, etc ., con- tracts. 73d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 389 . JUNE 4, 1934 . expenses, $130,000 : Prov ided, That one half of the total cost of constructing the said viaduct or bridge and approaches shall be borne and paid by the said railway company, its successors and assigns, to the collector of taxes of the District of Columbia, to the credit of the District of Columbia, and the same shall be a valid and subsisting lien against the franchises and property of the said rail- road company and shall constitute a legal indebtedness of said com- pany in favor of the District of Columbia, and the said lien may be enforced in the name of the District of Columbia by a bill in equity brought by the said Commissioners in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, or by any other lawful proceeding against the said railroad company : Provided further, That from and after the compl etion of the said viadu ct and appr oaches , the wooden bridge in the line of Reeves Road over the tracks and right-of-way of the said Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company shall be removed and the road at the railroad right-of-way forever closed against fur ther tra ffic of any kind ; In all, not to exceed $2,090,000, to be immediately available ; to be disb ursed and ac count ed for as " Gasoline tax, road, and street improvements and repairs ", and for that purpose shall constitute o ne fu n d : P rovide d, That assessmen ts in accorda nce with exist ing law shall be mad e for pavin g and repavi ng ro adways where such roadways are paved or repaved with funds derived from the collec- tion of the tax on motor-vehicle fuels and accretions by repayment of assessments . MISCELLANEOUS RO AD AND STRE ET I MPRO VEME NTS AND REPAIRS For assessment and permit work, paving of roadways under the permit system, and construction and repair of sidewalks and curbs around public reservations and municipal and United States build- ings, including purchase or condemnation of streets, roads, and alleys, and of areas less than two hundred and fifty square feet at the in tersect ion of street s, aven ues, o r roads in the Distr ict of Colum- bia , to be sele cted by the Comm issi oner s, a nd i nclu ding mai nten ance of nonpassenger-carrying motor vehicles, $15 0,000 . To carry out the provisions of existing law which authorize the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to open, extend, straighten, or widen any street, avenue, road, or highway, except Fourteenth Street extension beyond the southern boundary of Walter Reed Hospital Reservation, in accordance with the plan of the permanent system of highways for the District of Columbia, there is appropriated such sum as is necessary for said purpose, including the procurement of chains of title, during the fiscal year 193 5, to be paid wholly out of the revenues of the District of Columbia : Provided, That this appropriation shall be available to carry out the provisions of existing law for the opening, extension, widening, or straightening of alleys and minor streets and for the establishment of building lines in the District of Columbia

Pr o- vided further, That the amount expende d hereunder s hall not exce ed $200,000 . The Commissioners of the District of Columbia are authorized and empowered, in their discretion, to fix or alter the respective widths of sidewalks and roadways (including tree spaces and park- ing) of all highways that may be improved under appropriations contained in this Act . No part of any appropriation contained in this Act shall be available for repairing, resurfacing, or newly paving any street, avenue, or roadway by private contract unless the specifications