Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/648

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73d CONGRESS . SESS . II. CIA. 165 . AP RIL 26, 1934. ances and applicants fo r enlistment while held un der observatio n ; issue of toi let ki ts to r ecruits upon their f irst en listme nt, and issue of housewives to the Army ; for expenses of packing and handling Citizen's outer cloth- and similar necessaries ; for a suit of citizen's outer clothing and ing . when necessary an overcoat, the cost of all not to exceed $30, to be issued to each soldier discharged otherwise than honorably, to each enlisted man convicted by civil court for an offense resulting in confinement in a penitentiary or other civil prison, and to each enlisted man ordered inte rned by reaso n of the fact that he is an Indemnity for de- stroyed clothing, etc . alien enemy or, for the same reason, discharged without internment for indemnity to officers and men of the Army for clothing and bedding, and so forth, destroyed since April 22, 1898, by order of medical office rs of the Arm y for sanitar y reasons, $4, 207,112, of Fuel' which amount not exceedin g $60,000 sha ll be availabl e immediately for the proc urement and t ransportation of fuel for t he service of the fiscal year 1935 . Incidental expenses. Incidental expenses of the Army : Postage ; hire of laborers in the Quartermaster Corps, including the care of officers' mounts when civilian personnel . the same are furnished by the Government ; compensation of clerks Living quarters .

and o ther e mploye es of the Q uarter master Corp s, inc luding not to exceed $9,325 in the aggregate or $450 for any one person for allowances for living quarters, including heat, fuel, and light, as 818 . v•s.c , supp . vii, authorized by the Act of June 26, 1930 (U.S.C., Supp. VI, title 5, p .20.

sec . 118a), and clerks, foremen, watchmen, and organist for the R ecrui ting .

United States Disciplinary Barracks, and incidental expenses of Tests, etc . recruiting ; for the operation of coffee-roasting plants ; for tests and experimental and development work and scientific research to be per formed by th e Bur eau of Stand ards f or th e Quar termas ter I nspec tion serv ice . Corps ; for inspection service and instruction furnished by the Department of Agriculture which may be transferred in advance

for such additional expenditures as are necessary and authorized by law in the movements and operation of the Army and at military posts, and not expressly assigned to any other departments, Proviso.

$3,218,307 : Provided, That no appropriation contained in this Act A verag e nu mber em- plo yed . shall be available for any expense incident to the employment of an average number of officers, enlisted men, or civilian employees greater than the largest number employed during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1929, in connection with work incident to the assur- ance of adequate provision for the mobilization of materiel and industrial organizations essential to war-time needs . Transportation of Ar my tra nsport ation : For transportation of Army supplies ; of troops and supplies . authorized baggage, including packing and crating ; of horse equip- ment ; and of funds for the Army ; for the purchase or construction, not to exceed $10,000, alteration, operation, and repair of boats and Drayage, etc. other vessels ; for wharfage, tolls, and ferriage ; for drayage and cartage ; for the purchase, manufacture (including both material and la bor), mainte nance , hire , and repair of p ack sa ddles and vehicles. harness ; for the purchase, hire, operation, maintenance, and repair of wagons, carts, drays, other vehicles, and horse-drawn and motor- propelled passenger-carrying vehicles required for the transportation of troops and supplies and for official military and garrison purposes, maintenance and repair expenditures on motor-propelled vehicles not Tra vel allowances, to exceed $461,812, exclusive of labor ; for hire of draft and pack National Guard'

animals ; for travel allowances to officers of National Guard on Vol. 31, p. 902; Vol. discharge from Federal service as prescribed in the Act of March 42, p . 1021. U.S.C.,p.197. 2, 1901 (U .S .C ., title 10, sec . 751), and to enlisted men of National Guard on disch arge from Fed eral service, as prescribed in amenda- tory Act of September 22, 1922 (U.S.C., title 10, sec. 752), and to