Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/434

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408 Provisos. F lying pay r estr ic- tions . Pay, etc ., restrictions . Naval Home. Personal services . Group IV (b) em- ployees. Maintenance. Payable from naval p ension fund . Bureau of Engineer- ing. 73d CONGRESS. SESS. II. CH. 69. MARCH 15, 1934 . Reserve aviation : Provided, That no appropriation contained in this Act shall be a vailable to p ay more than one officer of the Naval Reserve and one officer of the Marine Corps Reserve above the grade of lieutenant or captain, respectively, the pay and allowances of their grade for the performance of active duty other than the per- formance of drills or other equivalent instruction or duty, or appro- priate duties, and/or the performance of fifteen days' active training duty, and other officers above such grades employed on such class of active duty shall not be entitled to or be paid a greater rate of pay and allowances than authorized by law for a lieutenant of the Navy or a captain of the Marine Corps entitled to not exceeding ten years' lon gev ity pa y : Provided fur ther, That no appropriation made in this Act shall be available for pay, allowances, or traveling or other expenses of any officer or enlisted man of the Naval or Marine Corps Reserve who ma y be drawing a pension, di sability allow ance, dis- ability compensation, or retired pay from the Government of the United States ; and " retired pay " as here used shall not include the pay of transferred members of such reserve forces . NAVAL HOME, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA For pay of employees, $77,332 : Provided, That the sum to be paid out of this appropriation for employees assigned to group IV (b) and those performing similar services carried under native and alien schedules in the Schedule of Wages for Civil Employees in the Field Service of the Navy Department shall not exceed $15,000 ; Maintenance : For water rent, heating, and lighting ; cemetery, burial expenses, and headstones ; general care and improvements of grounds, buildings, walls, and fences ; repairs to power-plant equip- ment, implements, tools, and furniture, and purchase of the same

music in chapel and entertainments for beneficiaries ; stationery, books, and per iodicals ; transportati on of indigen t and destitut e beneficiaries to the Naval Rome, and of sick and insane beneficiaries, their attendants and necessary subsistence for both, to and from other Government hospitals ; employment of such beneficiaries in and about the Naval Home as may be authorized by the Secretary of the Navy, on the recommendation of the governor ; support of beneficiaries and all other contingent expenses, including the main- tenance, repair, and operation of two motor-propelled vehicles, and one motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle, to be used only for official purposes, $96,501 ; In all, Naval Home, $173,833, which sum shall be paid out of the income from the naval pension fund . BUREAU OF ENGINEERING ENGINEERING Engineering repairs, For repairs, preservation, and renewal of machinery, auxiliary machinery, etc . machinery, and boilers of naval vessels, yard craft, and ships' boats, etcquipment,supplies, distilling and refrigerating apparatus ; repairs, preservation, and renewals of electric interior and exterior signal communications and all electrical appliances of whatsoever nature on board naval vessels, except range finders, battle order and range transmitters and indi- cators, and motors and their controlling apparatus used to operate mac hinery belong ing to other bureaus ; se archlig hts an d fire- control equipments for antiaircraft defense at shore stations ; maintenance and operation of coast signal service ; equipage, supplies, and mate- rials under the cognizance of the bureau required for the mainte- nance and operation of naval vessels, yard craft, and ships' boats