Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/394

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368 Timber sales, etc.; reimbursable . Vol .


p .

415 ; U.S.C ,p. 720 Proviso . Rewards for informa- tion . Klamath Res erva- tion, Oreg. Forest insect control . Emergency, forest- fire suppression . Prozisos . Additional sums available. Limit atio n . Report to Con gress . Geological Survey . Super visi ng m ining operations. Vol . 26, p. 795; Vol. 35, pp . 312, 444, 783 . Us .C., p. 717. E mploy ment for In- dians . Developing agricul- ture and stock raising . E ncour agin g in dus- try, etc . Prev;ao8. Repayment . Pima Indians, Ariz. Ad vance s to old, etc ., allot tees. 73d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 38. MARCH 2, 1934 . For expenses incidental to the sale of timber, and for the expenses of administration, including fire prevention, of Indian forest lands from which such timber is sold to the extent that the proceeds of such s ales ar e suff icient for tha t purp ose, $9 2,000, reimbu rsable to the United States as provided in the Act of February 14, 1920 (U.S.C., title 25, sec . 413) : Provided, That this appropriation shall be avail- able for the payment of reasonable rewards for information leading to arrest and conviction of a person or persons setting forest fires in contravention of law . Insect control work, Klamath Indian Reservation, Oregon (tribal funds) : For continuation of forest insect control work on the Klamath Indian Reservation in Oregon, $10,000, payable from funds on deposit in the Treasury to the credit of the Klamath Indians . For the suppression or emergency prevention of forest fires on or threatening Indian reservations, $20,000, together with $25,000 from funds held by the United States in trust for the respective tribes of Indians int erested : P rovide d, That not to exceed $50,000 of appropriations herein made for timber operations and for support and administration purposes may be transferred, upon the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, for fire suppression or emergency pre- vention purposes, and allotments of funds so transferred shall be made by the Secretary of the Interior only after the obligation for the expenditure has been incurred : Provided further, T hat any diversions of appropriations made hereunder shall be reported to Congress in the annual Budget . For transfer to the Geological Survey for expenditures to be made in inspecting mines and examining mineral deposits on Indian lands and in supervising mining operations on restricted, tribal, and allotted Indian lands leased under the provisions of the Acts of February 28, 1891 (26 Stat ., p. 795), May 27, 1908 (35 Stat ., p . 312), March 3, 1909 (U.S .C . title 25, sec . 396), and other Acts authorizing the leasing of such lands for mining purposes, $60,000 . For the purpose of obtaining remunerative employment for Indians, $37,150 . For the purpose of developing agriculture and stock raising among the Indians, including necessary personnel, traveling and other expenses, and purchase of supplies and equipment, $342,850, of which not to exceed $15,000 may b e used to con duct agricultu ral experi- ments and demonstrations on Indian school or agency farms and to maintain a supply of suitable plants or seed for issue to Indians . For the purpose of encouraging industry and self-support among the Indians and to aid them in the culture of fruits, grains, and other crops, $325,00 0, which sum may be used f or the purchas e of seeds, animals, machi nery, tools, implements, a nd other equip ment neces- sary, and for advances to Indians having irrigable allotments to assist them in the development and cultivation thereof, in the dis- cretion of the Secretary of the Interior, to enable Indians to become self-supporting : Provided, That the expenditures for the purposes above set forth shall be under conditions to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior for repayment to the United States on or before dune 30, 1940, except in the case of loans on irrigable lands for permanent improvement of said lands, in which the period for repayment may run for not exceeding twenty years, in the discre- tion of the Secretary of the Interior : Provided further, That except for expe ndit ures for the ben efit of the Pima Ind ians , no t to exc eed $25,000 of the amount herein appropriated shall be expended on any other one reservation or for the benefit of any other one tribe of Indians : Provided futrther, That the Sec retary of the Interior is hereby authorized, in his discretion and under such rules and regu-