Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/308

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73d CONG RESS. SESS . I. CH. 100 . JUNE 16, 1933 . Department of the Interior. Department of Jus- tice . Navy Department . Department of State . Tre asury Depart - ment . DEPA RTM ENT OF THE IN TER IOR For conservation of health among Indians, $33 . DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE For books, Department of Justice, $4 .25. For books for judicial officers, $88 .84. For printing and binding, Department of Justice and courts, $63 .65 . For detection and prosecution of crimes, $11 . For supplies for United States courts, $3 .35. For prote cting intere sts of the U nited States in cus toms m atters , 60 cents. For salaries, fees, and expenses of marshals, United States courts, $2,797.89. For salaries and expenses of clerks, United States courts, $59 .64 . For fees of commissioners, United States courts, $355 .95. For fees of jurors, United States courts, $165 . For fees of witnesses, United States courts, $54 .60. For fees of jurors and witnesses, United States courts, $27 .90 . De partment of La-

D EPA RTM ENT OF LAB OR bor . For expenses of regulating immigration, $1,529 .47 . For misce llaneo us exp enses, Burea u of L abor St atisti cs, $2 .8 0 . NA VY DEPARTMENT For pay, miscellaneous, $8 .40 . For increase of compensation, Naval Establishment, $7 .38 . For ordnance and ordnance stores, Bureau of Ordnance, $5,957 .20 For engineering, Bureau of Engineering, $2,823 . For pay of the Navy, $650 .06. For pay, subsistence, and transportation, Navy, $706 .32 . For main tena nce, Burea u of Supp lies and Accou nts, $20 . 68 . For medical department, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, $137 . For care of the dead, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, $29 . For aviation, Navy, $59,475 .16 . For pay, Marine Corps, $144 .39. For general expenses, Marine Corps, $33 .99. D EPA RTM ENT OF STA TE For conti ngent expens es, fo reign missio ns, $47 .7 3 . TREASURY DEPARTMENT For increase of compensation, Treasury Department, $303 .75. For pu~blic-debt service, $36 .02. For Coast Guard, $375 .75 . For collecting the internal revenue, $4 . For refunding internal-revenue collections, $5 . For pay of other employees, Public Health Service 90 cents . For rebuilding and repairing stations, and so fort, Coast Guard $150. For marine hospital, Carville, Louisiana, $101 .55 . Wa r Departm ent .

WAR DEPARTMENT For pay, and so forth, of the Army, $17,952 .56 . For pay of the Army, $2,712 .60. For armament of fortifications $31,731 . For registration and selection or military service, $24 .