Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/304

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278 Supplies . Department of La- bor. Empl oymen t Serv- ic e. National em ploy- ment system . Ante, p . 113. Department of State . International Mone- ta ry and Economic Co nfe ren ce. Expenses of partici- patio n . Vol. 47, p. 538 . Post, p . 1041. Mixed Claims Com- mission, United States and Germany . Vol.42,p.2200;Vol. 45, p . 2698. Vol. 42, p.1939. Final report . Employment of coun- sel, etc. R.S.,sec. 3709,p. 733. U.S.C.,P.1309. Printing and bind- ing. 73d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 100. JU NE 16, 1933 . Supplies : For additional amounts for supplies for U nited States courts, including the same objects specified under this head in the Acts making appropriations for the Department of Justice for the fiscal years that follow For 1931, $1 .40 ; For 1932, $545 . DEPARTMENT OF LABOR UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE For carrying out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the esta blishment of a national emp loyment system and for cooperation with the States in the promotion of such system, and for other purposes ", approved June 6, 1933, including personal services and rent in the District of Columbia and elsewhere ; traveling expenses, including expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the work of the United States Employment Service when specifically authorized by the Secretary of Labor ; law books, books of reference and periodicals, printing and binding, supplies and equipment, telegraph and telephone service, and miscellaneous expenses, fiscal year 1934, $1,500,000 . D EPA RTM ENT OF ST ATE INTERNA TIONAL MO NETARY AND ECONOMIC CONFEREN CE For an additional amount for the expenses of participation by the United States in an international monetary and economic conference to be held in London, including the same objects specified under this head in the Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1933, $125,000, to remain available during the fiscal year 1934 . Mix ed Claims Com mis si on United States and Germany : For expenses of determining the amounts of claims against Germany by the Mixed Claims Commission established under the agreement concluded between the United States and Germany on August 10, 192 2, and subsequent agreement between those Governments, for the determination of the amount to be paid by Germany in satis- faction of the financial obligations of Germany under the treaty concluded between the Governments of the United States and Ger- ma ny on August 25, 1921, including the expenses which under the terms of such agreement of August 10, 1922, are chargeable in part to the United States, and the preparation of a final report by the American Commissioner and the orderly arrangement for preserva- tion and disposition of the records of the Commission ; and the expenses of an agency of the United States to perform all necessary services in connection with the preparation of claims and the pre- sen tation there of bef ore s aid Mi xed Cl aims Commis sion, and th e preparation of a final report of the agent and the orderly arrange- ment for preservat ion of the rec ords of the a gency and the dispo- sition of property jointly owned by the two Governments, including salaries of an agent and necessary counsel and other assistants and employees, rent in the District of Columbia, employment of special counsel, translators, and other technical experts, by contract, with- out regard to the provisions of any statute relative to employment, and for contract stenographic reporting services without regard to section 3709 of the Revised S tatutes (U .S .C ., title 41, sec 5), law books and books of reference, printing and binding, contingent expenses, traveling expenses, press-clipping service, for all neces-