Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/236

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73d CONGR ESS . SESS. I. CH. 90. JUN E 16, 1933 . duction), whether or not set to music or with musical parts or accom- paniments, which is a consecutive narrative interpreted by a single set of characters, all necessary to the development of the plot, in two or more acts, the performance consuming more than 1 hour and 45 minutes of time ." APPROP RIATION Appro Pri do oss .

SEC . 220 . For the purposes of this Act, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise Amount .

appropriated, the sum of $3,300,000,000 . The Presiden t is author- Allocation. ized to allocate so much of said sum, not in excess of $100,000,000, as lie may determine to be necessary for expenditures in carrying out the Agricultural Adjustment Act and the purposes, powers, and func- tion s here tofore and hereaf ter co nferre d upo n the Farm C redit Administration . me trA~tural Ad«mot- SEC. 221 . Section 7 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, approved Ante, p . 34.

May 12, 1933, is amended by striking out all of its present terms and provisions and substituting therefor the following Cotton sales .

~I SEC. 7 . The Secretary shall sell the cotton held by him at his Total disposition by discretion, but subject to the foregoing provisions : Provided That March 1, 1936 .

he shall dispose of all cotton held by him by March 1, 19 3 6 : Provided Option contracts of further, That notwithstanding the provisions of section 6, the Sec- sale autho rized .

retary shall have authority to enter into option contracts with pro- ducers of cotton to sell to the producers such cotton held by him, in such amounts and at such prices and upon such terms and conditions as the Secretary may deem advisable, in combination with rental or benefit payments provided for in part 2 of this title . Information pertain- "Notwithstanding any provisions of existing law, the Secretary ing to administration

exist ing of Act.

of Agriculture may in the administration of the Agricultural Adjust- ment Act make public such information as he deems necessary in order to effectuate the purposes of such Act ." TITLE III -A MEN D- T ITLE III -AME NDME NTS TO E MERG ENCY REL IEF MENTS TO EMERGENCY RELIEF AND CONSTRUC-


PROV ISIONS Applicationsforloans SECTION 301 . After the expiration of ten days after the date upon tio n nan ee onto ation . FI which the Administrator has qualified and' taken office, (1) no Vol. 47, p. 711.

application shall be appr oved by the R econstruction Finance Co r- Adm ini str at or

to have access tofiles, etc . poration under the provisions of subsection (a) of section 201 of Post, p 1110.

the Emergency Relief and Construction Act of 1932, as amended, and (2) t he Admi nistra tor sha ll have acces s to al l appli cation s, file s, and records of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation relating to loans and contracts and the administration of funds under such subsec- Proafso.

tion : Provided, That the Reconstruction Finance Corporation may issue of fun ds borrower. to issue funds to it borrower under such subsection (a) prior to January 23, 1939, under the terms of any agreement or any commitment to bid upon or purchase bonds entered into with such borrower pur- suant to an application approved prior to the date of termination, under this section, of the power of the Reconstruction Finance Cor- poration to approve applications . DEC REA SE OF BOR ROWI NG POW ER OF RECONSTRUCTION FINANCE CO RPO RAT ION Decrease of borrow- SEC . 3 02 . The amount o f notes, debe ntures, bonds , or other suc h ing power of Recon- struction Finance Cor- obli gati ons whic h th e Re cons truc tion Fin ance Cor pora tion is auth or- porl ..47,p.s.

ized and empowered under section 9 of the Reconstruction Finance Corp orat ion Act, as amen ded, to have out stan ding at any one time is decreased by $400,000,000,