Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/136

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7 3d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 45. MAY 31, 1933 . Supervision . shall e stablis h neces sary a nd prop er safe guards for th e effic ient s uper- vision and ope ration of the area for nati onal forest p urposes and all other purposes herein stated, the area referred to being described as follows Area described. Beginning at the northeast corner of the Pueblo de Taos grant, thence northeasterly along the divide between Rio Pueblo de Taos and Rio Lucero and along the divide between Rio Pueblo de Taos and Red River to a point a half mile east of Rio Pueblo de Taos ; thence southwesterly on a line half mile east of Rio Pueblo de Taos and parallel thereto to the northwest corner of township 25 north, range 15 east ; thence south on the west boundary of township 25 north, range 15 east, to the divide between Rio Pueblo de Taos and Rio Fernandez de Taos ; thence westerly along the divide to the east boundary of the Pueblo de Taos grant ; thence north to the point of beginning ; containing approximately thirty thousand acres, more or less . Pro tect ion of pur- chases, eta.

SEC . 5 . Except as otherwise provided herein the Secretary of the Interior shall disburse and expend the amounts of money herein authorized to be appropriated, in accordance with and under the Provisos' terms and conditions of the Act approved June 7, 1924 : Provided, Surveys and investi- however, That the Secretary be authorized to cause necessary surveys gations to be made,

and i nvestigations to be made pr omptly to asc ertain the la nds and water rights that can be purchased out of the foregoing appropria- Purchases not lim- tions and earlier appropriations made for the same purpose, with ited to appraised val- full authority to disburse said funds in the purchase of said lands ues. and water rights without being limited to the appraised values thereof as fixed by the appraisers appointed by the Pueblo Lands Board appointed under said Act of June 7, 1924, and all prior Acts limiting the Secretary of the Interior in the disbursement of said funds to the appraised value of said lands as fixed by said appraisers of said Pueblo Lands Board be, and the same are, expressly repealed

Secu ring opti ons, ab- stracts of title, etc. Provided further, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized to disburse a portion of said funds for the pur- pose of securing options upon said lands and water rights and neces- sary abstracts of title thereof for the necessary period required to investigate titles and which may be required before disbursement land s Purchase beforef issue of available

scan be authorized : Provided further, That the S ecreta ry of the final patents in certain Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized, out of the appropriations of cases . the foregoing amounts and' out of the funds heretofore appropriated for the same purpose, to purchase any available lands within the sev- eral pueblos which in his discretion it is desirable to purchase, with- out waiting for the issuance of final patents directed to be issued under the provisions of the Act of June 7, 1924, where the right of Disb urse ments sub - said pueblos to bring independent suits, under the provisions of the pue blo af ect ed t

Of Act of June 7, 1924, has expired : Provided further, That the Secre- tary of the Interior shall not make any expenditures out of the pueblo funds resulting from the appropriations set forth herein, or prior appropriations for the same purpose, without first obtaining the Initiating la nd pur - approval of the governing authorities of the pueblo affected


chases by pueblo.

provided further, That the governing authorities of any pueblo may initiate matters pertaining to the purchase of lands in behalf of their respect ive pu eblos, which m atters , or co ntracts relat ive the reto, will not be binding or concluded until approved by the Secretary of the Interior . independent suits not SE C. 6 . Nothing in this Act shall be construed to prevent any abridged .

pueblo from prosecuting independent suits as authorized under sec- Vol. 43, p . 637, tion 4 of the Act of June 7, 1924 . The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to enter into contract with the several Pueblo Indian tribes, affected by the terms of this Act, in consideration of the