Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/993

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CUSTOM MATTERS-COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT-EGYPT. 2583 The American Minister to the Egyptian J,finister for Foreign Affair.~ u~f~\1J=.Dce by No. 230. LEGATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, CAIRO, .r. .fay 24-, 1930. MR. MINISTER, I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency'S Note No. 1 .7/3 (32), of :May 24, 1930, the agreed English text of which is as follows: Referring to correspondence exchanged between Your Excellency and this Ministry with regard to the conclusion of a provisional com- mercial agreement between the United States of America and Egypt, I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that the Egyptian Government is willing to apply unconditional most favored nation treatment to all products, of the soil and of industry, originating in the United States of America imported into Egypt and destined either for consumption or re-exportation or in transit. The said treatment 'will also be applied provisionally to prodpcts imported into Egypt through countries which have not completed commercial agreements with Egypt. This regime is accorded by Egypt on condition of perfect reciproc- ity and with the exception of the regime accorded to Sudanese prod- ucts, or the regime which might be applied by Egypt toO products of certain border countries by virtue of regional conventions and with the exception of the treatment which the United States accords or may hereafter accord to the commerce of Cuba or of any of the terri- tories or possessions of the United States or the Panama Canal Zone or the treatment, which is or may hereafter be accorded to the com- merce of the U nit.ed States '\\;th any of its territorial boundaries or possessions or to the commerce of its territories or possessions with one another. The present arrangement does not apply to prohibitions or restric- tions of a sanitary character or designed to protect human, animal, or plant life or regulations for the enforcement of police or revenue laws. The present agreement will enter into force so soon as Your Ex- cellency is good enough to confinn the consent of your Government thereto and shall continue in force until ninety days after notice of its termination shall have been given by either party unless soonl'r tenninated by mutual agreement. If, however, either party should be prevented by the future action of its Legislature from carrying out the tenns of the agreement the obligations thereof shall there- upon la.pse. I avail myself of the occasion to renew to you, Mr. Minister, the assurance of my high consideration. In reply I have the honor to inform Your Excellency of my Govern- ment's acquiescence in the terms of the above mentioned Note thus establishing a Provisional Commercial Accord, and avail myself of the occasion to renew to you, ~fr. :Minister, the assurance of my high ('onsidemtion. H IS ~~XCELLEN':::Y FRANKLIN ~IOTT GUNTHER, American 11lini.'Jter. \YACYF BOUTROS GHALI PASHA, llfinister for Foreign Affairs, The Royal Egyptian ..VliTiistry for Foreign .:lffairs, Cairo. [No.5]