Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/975

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1933. thence northerly 1 mile to the northwest comer of the said sec. 8; thence westerly 1 mile to the southwest comer of sec. 6, T. 12 S., R. 101 W., sixth principal meridian; thence northerly 1 mile to the point of beginning. Warning is hereby expressly given to all unauthorized persons not to appropriate, injure, destroy, or remove any feature of this monu- ment and not to locate or settle upon any of the lands thereof. The Director of the National Park Service, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, shall have the su{>ervision, management, and control of this monument, as provided ill the act of Congress entitled "AN ACT To establish a National Park Service, and for other purposes," approved August 25, 1916 (39 Stat. 535-536), and acts additional thereto or amendatory thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE at the City of Washington this 3d day of l\.Iarch, in the year of our LOrd nineteen hundred and thirty-three, and of the [SEAL] Independence of the United States of America the one hun- dred and fifty-seventh. By the President: HENRY L STIMSON Secretary oj State. [No. 2037] HERBERT HOOVER 2565 v 01. ~ p. lIlI6. U.8 .u•• Po_